Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You Never Know

OK I know I SHOULD know better, BUT better safe than sorry, right?

I was going through my SPAM emails, just in case, and found some things that didn't belong. And then I came across 2 emails from the FBI! Now... I do get those emails from Nigeria, etc. for people asking for money to help out that I know are not real and this seemed like it was combating against it! The email basically said that there was A LOT of money sitting in a bank in my name and I was going to be charged... didn't seem likely, BUT I have heard a lot of crazy, bad stuff about identity theft and I have lost more than one license back in the day!

So, just in case I decided to call the FBI myself.. clearly a good idea.. 1/2 way through holding I panicked and how ridiculous, whatever I was going to say, was going to sound!! But I stayed on the line and not even 2 sentences later the FBI operator interrupts me and is like Ma'am, Ma'am.... it's a scam... wait for the next message.... haha am I gullible or what?!?

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