Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year


What a PLEASANT surprise to wake up to the pretty snowfall this morning! And even better knowing it won't accumulate for long and ruin all those New Year's Eve plans!

Here's a picture from Australia where they have already celebrated their count down!

So... what are your plans for tonight? Are you still into the night life- bar hopping or opting for a smaller "house" party or get together?

Tonight we are having some friends over for a casual sit down dinner... I have been craving shrimp cocktail so that is definitely on the menu if I can get to the Farmer's Market before the "rush". Although this will be super laid back and casual I opted to break out my new chargers I got for Christmas and Monique Lhuillier "casual" china. I just thought it would be fun. I don't think I have had a chance to use it yet, so why not!!! I won't be doing a plethera of dishes so it will be feasible. AND I know our guests, being newly married and all, will thoroughly appreciate the "idea"!!!!

That being said.. if you don't have plans, give a hollar and please stop on by! My new motto... be flexible and the more the merrier!!!!!!!

How are you going to spend your last day of 2009? I challenge you to be as positive as possible... about yourself, your life, your loved ones, and those around you! Looking into the future what are your new "goals"? And please don't make it weight-loss oriented! Challenge yourself but do something that is feasible and you will stick to! Don't set yourself up to fail! Really think about those things that can improve your quality of life and those around you!!!

Lots of Love on this last day of 2009 and the first decade of the millennium!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on 2010 with a "bang"!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!! <3>

Duvet Disaster

UGHHHHHHHHHHH........ enough said. I should just end there before I go on a crazy rant about HOW ANNOYING those duvet covers are. YET... I still continue to buy them! I can't help it... I have a comforter on the bed all year round... especially when you find that truly comfortable comforter you love. SO much better than a flat, not fluffy, spread.

But the trade off is you get these awful duvet covers that NEVER fit the comforter inside (even though is says "king" on it)! Then my comforter is spilling out, not looking Martha Stewart"y" at all, like you had imagined! And talk about trying to get the comforter INSIDE the duvet! This morning I asked Kyle assistance because I thought it would go quicker (which it did) but it was still a big PITA! It never matches up!

So... what's the deal? What is the solution? Anyone... Anyone... Bueller.... Anyone?!?

Morning Fav

Clothing/Style: Burberry Earmuffs

OK so..... I'm sure any good-quality earmuffs will do, BUT I had my eyes on these Burberry earmuffs for 3 winter seasons now and finally SANTA BABY fulfilled my wish... or it went like this... "umm let's go into Neiman's"... walk walk walk.... pass the Yurman (eyes wide open may I add).... right in front of the escalator.. "oh look..... they have the earmuffs. I've wanted them for sooo long"!!!! Anyway Merry Merry to ME!!!! Because now I am warm warm warm and Kyle doesn't have to hear about it!

I will say these are SO comfortable and feel as though they have about 5 layers of "fluffy padding" on them! In the past week we have found ourselves walking out in the cold evening and my partner in crime next to me is already talking about how he is cold and I feel like I'm in Florida.. cold? what cold?!?

DEFINITELY worth the investment on the "warmth" side, but in terms of style... need I say more?!? GO GET 'EM ladies!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Escalator Meltdown

OK so on a much more SERIOUS note.... how scary are escalators?!?!?

Maybe not to the normal man or woman who doesn't even think before getting on... I never had an issues with them.... that is until I started going to the mall with my sister in-law and I was pushing the stroller!

I guess maybe it's just fresh in my mind because I made a couple of trips with my mom and/or sister in law and we each had a stroller. And every time I had to give mine "away" and make my mom do it because I was too scared! I mean have you ever really looked DOWN when you are standing at the top... they can get pretty steep!

So yesterday I had my 6 week old niece in her big a** stroller and I'm about to go down and start to panic, so my mom offers to help. Then this Russian lady comes up and basically yells at me that I have to take the elevator because that can be "very dangerous", so I thank her and move on. So we are about to go down, my mom goes in front and I totally froze and looked around and there was this big back up.. so scary so I just ran away and went down the escalator.

But I did end the day on a good note by going UP for the first successfully... my mom's comment: "Kirah, when you have kids, don't ever go to the mall alone"

Monday, December 28, 2009

Morning Fav

"Fashion"/Fragrance: Caroline Herrera Eua de Toilete Spray

I found this fragrance in the Duty Free shop on my way back from Panama. I'm a true believer that both men and women should have more than one "scent". I think you should definitely change up your perfume or cologne depending upon the season. So, why not change have the option to change it up depending on your mood, your outfit, or your outing?

This fragrance does resemble that of the Burberry Women's Brit perfume, which drew me to it as well. It is definitely a fall, winter, early spring perfume. It's warm with a touch of elegance!

I even got Kyle the men's cologne for Christmas and he likes it too!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

FYI... Brittany Murphy died!!!

Can you believe this? I heard nothing of this all weekend and then BAM with my coffee and making Kyle's lunch this morning I heard this on Good Day!

This is entirely too sad to deal with on a Monday morning let alone during the holidays!!!! She was always so light and bubbly in her movies and "press" events. I feel so bad for her (obviously) and her family! RIP Brittany!!!!!

Public Enemies

A must see...

So obviously I was less than thrilled when this was one of the movies Kyle brought home from the movie store this weekend. I'm not a "huge Johnn Depp fan" (although I think he is a really good actor) and gangsters aren't really my "thing"... well in the words of Gretchen Weiners "you could be wrong"............

GREAT MOVIE! Johnny Depp is a superb actor, I've always been a Christian Bale fan, and although the movie was about gangsters/bank robbers in the depression it was about love and lust! I looked at Kyle half way through the movie and was like isn't it weird how you can find yourself sympathizing and cheering for criminals (OK OK so this is the second time..... who could forget Shawshank Redemption). And the way they dressed back then is HOT!!!! The hats, the dresses, the red lips! It's all so suave and sexy!!! LOVE the "camies" the women wore under their clothes.. hot to trot!

Morning Fav

Where to start where to start... seriously!!!!!

Anyway.. what wins this morning: "Blizzard of '09"? Cooking and baking all weekend? Spending the weekend snowed in with guests and neighbors? Drinking Mimosas while watching The Proposal and playing with babies? Walking through the snow banks with Puppa who apparently loves the snow? Being extremely tired on a Sunday and having movie marathon while wrapping presents and laying on the couch with your loved ones? Watching your husband have a ball with his friends and playing in the snow like kids again? Tapping Christmas cards (especially the photo ones) up on the wall for all to see their precious friends and babies! Prepping for Christmas the entire week (which to some might seem dreadful, but I am SOOO looking forward to this!!!!!

So I guess you could tell those were and are a few things that I have been up to lately! But seriously I am SO in the holiday spirit right now! Which is really great for me because last year I was the GRINCH! I am still freaking out about fitting 16 people in my house comfortably, but it will all work out! I have had many more than that, but I am a worry wort and that's what we do... panic and hope everyone is comfortable and happy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sticks and Stones...

I'm not sure I really agree with that old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I think that was just another come back to teach kids to save face and not let others know that their words really DID hurt them.

And while we're at it... doesn't it seem like sometimes you use the nastiest words with the ones you love.. I even think that's another saying "we hurt the ones we love the most, because we 'know' they will forgive us". But I don't think we should jump the gun and necessarily assume that.. one can only handle so much for so long!

I'm sure that we have all, most likely, been in both positions before: the victim and the "meanie". I know I definitely have! And it can happen with anyone: spouse/significant other, brother, sister, mom/dad, close friend, etc.

When you're the 'meanie' the worst part about the whole thing is that sometimes you don't realize it until it's too late (you've said something and afterward you wish you could have taken it back) or if you hear someone talk to someone else impatiently or in a not so nice tone it makes your heart break and then you think.. "is that what I sound like?" And then you have to go make a mends, patch a whole, show the person how you truly do feel about them, all while feeling pretty bad and mad at yourself about how you've treated them!

And when you are on the other side of the situation you can't help but feel bad, make justifications for how the other person is treating you, and go on to see 'hmm did I bring this on; what did I do to make them talk or act this way toward me?' Sometimes it doesn't even have to be that obvious.. sometimes it's the things that aren't said or the tone that isn't used... everything could be "fine", but when you hear someone else talking you think to yourself, 'I wish they would talk to me like that, or were a little more patient or light hearted with me as they were to that other person" all the while knowing you are one of their "top fives".

I guess the main point I am trying to get across is during the holiday season and the coming of the new year (as we rack our brains for a new, new year's resolution) let's really put some extra effort into the ones we love the most. Whether it's telling them straight on, being more affectionate, giving them positive affirmations, talking more, talking nicer, or just an extra 'thanks or please". Cause even though YOU know how much you love someone or know how much YOU are loved, sometimes a little positive reinforcement never hurt anyone!

Morning Fav

Entertainment: Christmas Spirit

I've always loved Christmas, but sometimes as you get older you tend to lose the "meaning" of what Christmas is all about (beyond the religious aspect): the love, sharing, giving, thanks, caring, support, coming together as a family, appreciating those in your lives (including yourself), etc. etc.

Going to my nephew's Christmas Concert this past week brought back all the memories of the innocence of the holidays. The little kids are SO cute and all they want to do is see their mommies and daddies and sing and bounce around!!!!

Bathroom Update

Well we are ALMOST done!! The bathtub was refinished yesterday and in 24 hours we can use our shower!!!! The contractor was SO impressed with the work and especially that Kyle did it!!!! Which, hopefully made him feel good! I, being biased, obviously thought it looked amazing and compared to what was in there it's a vast improvement! There are few more tiny things that need to be done, which my husband likes to call them "trade crafts" because these last items take a lot of skill and you need to know the "tricks of the trade". I still can't believe he did this project on his own with a little help from a book!

Here are some of the most recent pics:

Morning Fav

Food: Snyder's Honey Mustard and Onion Pretzel Pieces

Although these are the BEST pretzel snacks ever, watch out because they are ridiculously addictive! My mom and I used to open up a bag and eat them while we were grocery shopping (don't worry we paid for them at the end). I try not to buy them too often, because they aren't the healthiest pretzel out there (i.e. try the Snyder's honey wheat twists yummmy) and you can't have just one handful, but everything in moderation, right? Especially with the holiday season and entertaining, buy a bag (or two) and set them out for your guests!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mazel Tov

I thought I'd give a little shout out today to all of my friends that are .5% jewish and wish them a Happy Happy Chanukah!!!!!!!

Have a great celebration and enjoy the next 8 nights!

Which takes me back to a little song that my lower school teacher taught me:

"Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah come light the menorah, let's have a party we'll all dance the horah (sp?), gather round the table we'll give you a treat, shiny tops to play with and latkes to eat, and while we... WHILE WE... are playing, the candles are burning LOOOWWWWW, ONE for each night, they will shed us wit' LIGHT, and remind us of days loooonnnggggg agooooooo, OH ONE for each night, they will shed us wit' LIGHT and remind of us of days long ago!!!!!"

PS- That was from memory people!!!!!!!!!

PS- I Miss You

OK so I'm not referring to Hillary Swank's, less than steller, movie "PS, I love you"...... but I just was taking a moment to think about how busy things get around the holidays and I haven't been as good about my daily walks, talks, or texts with friends!

If you're reading this, just a little note your way to let you know I'm thinking of you and miss you! Hope the Holiday Season is treating you well and getting you in the giving spirit!!!!!!!



Enough said. I bet I could just stop there! Not that we have any crazy plans for the weekend, but the fact that it is Friday alone pumps me up!

Mr. George had the pleasuring of opening up today, so I had the decision to make. Get up, make coffee and breakfast or lay in bed for another 90 minutes. Although that sounds like a no brainer, I am SO glad that I got up... I've already had my cup of coffee, been updated with the major headlines (GOOD DAY PHILADELPHIA represent!), am blogging (which with today's craziness may not have happened otherwise), and am still comfortably laying in bed with puppy playing next to me (yay for 'mommy and me' time).

My new goal for next week... set that alarm earlier, GET OUTTA BED, and do a morning work out! I just lose ALL motivation (as you may know) come afternoon to workout and actually an AM workout really gets me going! I mean what is an extra 30-60 minutes of sleep? Ehhhhh TBD haha!

What do you have planned this weekend?

We have our annual luminaries and carriage rides this weekend which should be SO much fun! Everyone lines them up outside of their houses on the street and it just looks SO cute!!!! For our friends whom will be taking their little ones on the carriage rides, make sure you bundle up (it isn't even 20F outside yet!).

And if the TGIF headlines made you automatically think back to "Cousin Larry" or "DJ Tanner" here's a little walk down memory lane:

Morning Fav

Quote of the day:

Me: PS- does your babysitter drive a jag?
Anon Friend: That's the way we roll!!!!!

This was a portion of text messages between one of my friends and I yesterday when I noticed an extremely nice car outside of her house! I thought it was absolutely hilarious!!! Now I understand why those 'Nova babysitters are asking for raises.... it clearly goes towards their car payments and not the 'vodka soda' fund!

JK no judgement at all, because that's probably what people thought of me when I showed up in my parents' car in high school to babysit their youngins.. OH to be young again! Or hint hint mom and dad what we need for Christmas... or a scarf will do :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cat Nap Criminal

Well it's that time of year again... the days get shorter and the exhaustion gets longer! Somehow I figure it out to function ability, but it can really feel like this dirty little secret that fills up my house!

I rarely don't let myself of the hook from work unless it involves meeting a friend for lunch or exericising- gym, class, dog walk. So, when the winter comes around (even though it's 50 degrees out today) and my SAD kicks in I can't help but to dread 2pm. I get up around 6-6:30am and am working by 7:30am usually at the latest (unless I do a morning spin class) and it is a struggle (i.e. feels more like 2am) and then once I've had my cup of coffee I hit the ground running... that is usually until about 2pm when I can't bare it anymore. Then I struggle with- what to do? Should I eat for energy? More coffee- I don't really dig drinking 3 cups a day, taking a walk around the block (probably what I SHOULD do), or lay down for a 20 minute "cat nap" and whether I fall asleep or not I can get up rejuvenated with a fresh start to work again.

If I do take 20 minutes, literally, to lay down and regroup why do I feel so guilty? If I'm home I never take a coffee or lunch break. And it's a time to focus on ME and really listen to what my body needs. If my body isn't functioning, than how can I? I still feel guilty though, but maybe if I make it part of my day it will just become routine and I won't feel so bad?

I mean realistically thinking what is 20 minutes if it is for the better vs. dragging along and being a 'clock watcher' and unproductive?

Morning Fav


I popped in DSW today, since it was across from a 'work pick up' (yes justifying!), and knew exactly what I was looking for: black sparkly "bootie" heels. I saw them at Neiman's (clearly out of my price range), but thought it would be SUCH a cute way to dress up my Christmas outfit: yes I am dressing up this year and plan on looking cute as I host my first annual Christmas dinner!

But that shoe was a no go. I found a really really cute suede bootie heel by JSimps herself. Usually I am not a huge fan, but these fit perfectly and were super comfortable! The price was actually really reasonable, but I just couldn't hand over the dough. Maybe I'll scrounge through my emails tonight to see if I have any DSW points or savings!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Morning Fav

Food: Candy Cane Variations
Everyone knows about the typical red and white peppermint candy canes that become readily available during the holiday season!

Well the candy industry has taken, and this is nothing new, the candy cane to the next level with numerous options for flavors! And people like my husband (and his sweet tooth) are keeping them in business!

They have cherry, strawberry, cotton candy, etc. etc. BUT the other day at Toys 'R Us (yes we bought candy canes at Toys 'R Us) we came across Smarties, Starburst, SweeTarts, Gobstoppers, Lifesavers and Sprees' flavored Candy Canes... And they are all SO yummy.. so STOCK UP!

Is the candy cane the new jelly bean?!?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Morning Fav

Food/Adult Entertainment: Modern Day Hot Toddy

According to Wikipedia: " Hot toddy is a name given to a mixed drink that is served hot, believed to have originated in the 18th century to make the taste of Scotch more palatable to women... Hot toddies (such as mulled cider) are traditionally drunk before going to bed, or in wet and/or cold weather.

So, clearly I'm not drinking Scotch (yuk)!!! Which reminds me, I DO know someone who feels VERY differently.......

But seriously :) , one of my favorite things is drinking Hot Apple Cider with some rum... which brings me into another side note of one of my favorite scenes from Big Daddy (wish I had a video of the way the little boy says it)......

: Man this Yoohoo is good, you know what else is good, smoking dope. I ain't gonna rat you out. You know, puffing the cheeba, go by the see saw smoke a j. You know what I'm talking about?

Jared: I have a belly button.
Sonny: You have a belly button, well we all have belly buttons. You know what? We all love Yoohoo, especially Yoohoo with a little rum.
Jared: What's rum?
Sonny: You don't know what Rum is?
Jared: Rumplestilskin?
Sonny: Rumplestilskin's a good man. So are you guys. Hey, stay clean, stay focused, stay strong. Frankenstein, have fun with your friends.

So, now I'm changing it up and in my world the "Modern Day Hot Toddy" will be Hot Apple Cider with Rum! We made it Saturday night when it was snowing!

My favorite way to make it:
Pour Apple Cider in a big pot
Add a few cinnamon sticks (to taste)
Add a 1/2 sliced full apple (optional)
A few sprinkles of cinnamon (optional)
A few sprinkles of sugar (optional)
A few sprinkles of brown sugar (optional)
Bring Apple Cider to a boil and then let simmer on low for evening

*If you're having a party you can pour the rum in the pot as well, but it tends to evaporate and why let 'good' alcohol go to waste..... so I usually pour a "shot" of rum into the glass and then pour the Apple Cider Mixture

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bathroom Update

The bathroom is coming along nicely! It is so hard to capture in a picture, because of the size and angle, so when you see it picture it looking cleaner and more vibrant!

What "we've" done: took out all of the old tiles on the wall and floor, the old sink, walls, etc. We put in all new porcelain tile in the shower and the bathroom floor; we replaced the sink; painted the walls; put up wainscoting; and will refinish the bath tub; put in new light fixtures + mirror.

Kyle is doing an AMAZING job and working long, hard hours! Go Baby Go!

Unfortunately I don't like the sink that I picked out now that it is in the room, so we must figure out a way to get it back in to the car (if it will fit) and return it. I should have just gone with my gut instinct on the lighter color, but more than one person suggested maybe going a bit darker as the room is light. A very good lesson in self-doubt.... don't do it!

On the other hand, the sink vanity is a little wide for me and I'm not loving how close it is to the toilet. I think a pretty white pedestal sink would look good, but then what do we do about the storage issue?!? We have a huge "linen" closet just for storage right next to the bathroom in the hallway; I have my own vanity for make-up, hair stuff in the bedroom, and we can always put a little "linen closet" over the toilet. I think I am just FREAKING about clutter these days!!

Any suggestions on the vanity vs. pedestal sink?!?'

Here are some pictures:

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Happy Birthday to my eldest brother!

Turning the big........ haha you WISH I told you!

I'm so proud of him and lucky to have him as a big brother! When I think about my brother I think of how my mom used to tell me how he used to bath and dress me every morning before he went to school! Man, I must have been a smelly baby :) hehe!

In all seriousness, that is pretty cool!

Morning Fav

Sports/Entertainment: AI back in Philly!

I would probably say the city of Philadelphia is torn in 3 ways:
They are PUMPED AI is back with the 76ers
2. They are LESS than thrilled he's back and think he's over rated
3. They could CARE LESS!!!

I happen to be in the #1 category! I know AI has been known more for his antics and "Practice Interview" these past few years.... but I still remember him back in the day! When he was originally here in Philly! He got me and my friends through the end of our senior year! I even had a 76ers flag on my car- that someone broke at a party and it was WAR!!!!! I had his poster; a poster/drawing; his SHOES (PS- I don't even PLAY basketball); sweat band, wrist band, etc. etc. I was OBSESSED!

His interview yesterday was pretty intense with him choking up a few times:

I hope it was sincere, but you never can tell with people these days, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

I wonder where he will move....... maybe I can go stalk him out, haha jk! That was back in the old days! But, really I am super pumped that he is back in Philly where he belongs and now I will ride my husband (not like that you dirty people!!) until he takes me to a game : ) haha!

Here is the original Practice Interview:

Here is another interview where he is making fun of himself- as he KNOWS he was being a do*che:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Headless Horseman

Well not really........... but this morning I was walking Puppa and the next thing I know this "thing" flies at me and I look down and I'm holding just his leash with his collar attached.... WHAT?!?!?!?!? Where did Harley go?!?! I think he was just as confused as I was (it was actually really cute) but he stayed to let Mommy come back and put his collar on.

Obviously looking back at the scenario (.2 seconds later) I only thought of but one thing.... one of my most favorite, "old-school" quotes:

Morning Fav

Travel/Entertainment: Honeymoons

I absolutely LOVE honeymoons! My friend is on her honeymoon right now and I can't stop to think about all the fun stuff they are doing and how much they hopefully are enjoying each other's company! And I don't think it really matters whether you go near or far; some place cold or hot; or fill your trip with millions of activities or nothing at all!

It's the whole concept! It is the one time in your life where it truly is about the two of you! I mean don't get me wrong, because the DAY of your wedding is about the two of you, but there is a lot of "stuff" (keep it rated G) that goes on leading up to the wedding where it becomes about everyone ELSE but you! How's that fair?!?

I couldn't help but take a good long walk down memory lane yesterday afternoon and look at all of our honeymoon photos!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Can you really forgive and forget?

Does making amends really exist?

I get these daily morning prayers sent to me and it's a way to start my day with my cup of coffee. I wouldn't say I am the most religious person you have met nor a great representation of how God would want me to act (especially my FOUL mouth.. I'm working on it... well I need to!). But I am definitely a true believer and do strive, every once in awhile, to be a good person.

Here is one of the recent Prayer of the Day's I received: "I pray that I may accept the Lord's forgiveness. I pray for the grace to forgive others as God forgives me."

So, as I sit here on November 30th I think to myself does it really exist? I believe it is definitely possible to come to terms, finally be at peace, and move on with your life when it pertains to certain situations, but do you ever really "forgive and forget"? Whether it be infidelity, divorce, abuse, or the ending of a relationship or friendship can you really do both?

Now, I'm a person that thinks a lot (no way!!!) and I don't really know if it's truly possible for me to forget indefinitely. I've been in a few situations, in my day, where I have been able to forgive or at least come to peace and put things behind me, BUT every once in a while something sparks me to think about a particular moment. I may not have the animosity I used to have, but it definitely passes my mind.

Last One....

Out of the bed should make it?!?

I know that every household is different on how the split their responsibilities. In our house Kyle usually takes care of the "outside of the house" chores, but I've been known to take the trashcans down to the curb once or twice :) and I usually take care of the "domestic" chores (although he does fold like a thousand times better than I do, which is odd because my mother has always been obsessed with folding and ironing).

However... I strongly believe that last one out of the bed should make it! I know it's a little different because I work from home (i.e. so I'm still here when he leaves), but what if I didn't? I wouldn't want to come home to an unmade bed each evening; there's no closure to your evening.. you have to jump start that day by making it and each evening commence your sleep with unmaking it!

It doesn't really bother me and obviously I'll keep making the bed in the morning, but I couldn't help but look over (from my desk) to the unmade bed and wonder....

Mail Merge Mayhem

OK so this is BEYOND embarrassing, BUT I don't know how to do a mail merge! I know I learned years ago while interning one summer, but I forget already!

I am trying to assemble the addresses for our first annual George Christmas cards : ) and can't seem to figure it out!

I have my list in Excel and I am already ready to merge and it's not working. The first address keeps taking over all the other "labels". I really want to get this done so I'm about to stay up late just to input each address- crazy and SO unnecessary I know, but I can't figure it out!

ANY help would be greatly appreciated! I guess that's what you get for not working in a "corporate office"!

Cyber Monday?

Apparently today is HUGE for online holiday shopping?!?

Here is Forbes' list on the "steals":

Here is Good Day's List:

Also, apparently there is such thing as "Free Shipping Day"/December 17th. Here's a list of participants:

Morning Fav


(our fire place)

'Tis the season to be merry merry indeed!!! I love how, for me, Thanksgiving is the start of the "race" for the Holiday Season! Nothing ever feels 'real' for me until Thanksgiving.

I love pulling out the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, putting up the Nativity Scene/manger, getting the tree that Saturday, giving it a day or two to fall before putting on the ornaments! Candles are lit everywhere and all day in our house... I'll probably go through numerous candles just to create the "perfect" ambiance! I currently have Vanilla Cinnamon Brulee "cooking" in the kitchen!

After our busy day today, tonight I have plans of decorating the tree while blasting Christmas tunes, and drinking a warm apple cider mixture : ) .

My favorite Christmas tunes: "Santa Baby"; "All I want for Christmas is You"; "Baby it's Cold Outside"; "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"; "Up on the Housetop" (has to be Jackson 5 though)!

On another note.....
I feel like sometimes there is just SO much grunting and complaining around the holidays when we should really be enjoying it and appreciate the festivities! I fall "victim" to the 'grumpies' too every once in awhile, but this year I am really going to try and stay positive and grounded! I'm sure there will be bumps in the road with present shopping, dinner planning, and people making things difficult, but I really want to keep in mind what Christmas is all about.... giving, sharing, spreading good cheer!

And whoever wants to be apart of that with me then please do, but all Mr. and Mrs. Scrooges... STAY AWAY : )

Here is the start to some of our inside decorations (keep in mind it looks a lot cooler at night)... more to come...
(our tree "falling" before ornaments)

(sparkly-white Christmas boot with Candy Cane treats)

(Our Nativity Scene.. Go Jesus Go Jesus Go Jesus GO!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

5 Stars for Philly Newstation

Just one more reason why I love Fox 29 'Good Day' Philadelphia...........

Long story short (yeah right)..... my fabulous friend got hitched this past weekend in Philly and being part of the bridal party (thanks again for including me!) we did the traditional rehearsal 'walk-thru' at the church the night before.

As we're waiting for the reverend, or as I referred to him "Rev Run", to finish his instructions on when and how to walk down the isle, when the 'bride-to-be' shouts out: "KIRAH... look who it is"... I had no idea.. Santa Claus?!? So, I run over and she is pointing to a picture of Jenn Frederick from 'Good Day' (our favorite news morning show). So, what do I do... take a picture obviously... professional photographer of the weekend over here.... it was the GG documentary show in my eyes!

Monday morning comes around, I post my pictures of the AMAZING weekend, and include the one of Jenn Frederick. Feeling bold from sleep deprivation I decide to "facebook friend" Jenn , with a little note attach about the picture and she accepted and wrote back such a nice note! Same with the bride! How awesome is that? Like I said before, they are just SO down-to-earth and awesome! Just one more reason to keep watching and spread the news!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mornin Fav

Entertainment: Gossip Girl

AHHHH I just caught up on 3 episodes last night and it was amazing! Kyle finished up Monday night's episode and was getting SO annoyed with me because I was yelping, hiding my head in pillows, and clearly freaking out!!! I don't know why I get so awkward!!!!

All I think I seriously love all of the characters minus Little J, Dan gets on my nerves, and I just think Vanessa is pretty. I even liked the cameo by Hillary Duff after awhile.

But who knew Chuck Bass could end up on top and he and Blair would be SO adorable together!! Serena is just amazing- definitely no secret that I am a HUGE Blake Lively fan (starting with Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)- she is not only absolutely GORGEOUS, has amazing boobs, but the way she carries herself so confidently is admirable!

I have always loved Blair, even though she is a schemer and pretty OOC at times, she keeps things interesting and is laughable. I also think Leighton is amazing in real life. And always back to Nate Archibald xoxo cutie patootie!

What I think is even weirder is how it is a series so those that have read the whole series know EXACTLY what is going to happen. I would imagine that maybe they change it up a bit, but I feel like someone told me it's the same as the books... literally!

Tune in next week:


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

'Tis the Season

So, it's definitely NO secret whatsoever that I LOVE weddings and Christmas time! I love the actual events, but prepping for them is simply one of my favorites!!!

So with that being said.... as I mentioned of my friend's is getting married this weekend, YAY!!!!!! And I am WAYYYYYYY excited, she is going to be GORGEOUS!

AND walking around the neighborhoods and seeing houses and stores already putting up some Christmas decorations and lights, I guess it means it is that time of year to start pulling out my FAVORITE "modern" Christmas movies (Elf, Family Stone, The Holiday, Love Actually to name a few)

So when I think of the two combined this is what I come up with:

Twilight Series: New Moon Tribute

So in honor of the 2nd movie, New Moon, in the Twilight Series coming out THIS Friday, November 20, I decided to do a little tribute of my fav promos or pictures.

Last night at dinner we were discussing whether or not Kristen Stewart and RPatt are actually a couple... whether they are or not, the way they look at each other is TOO CUTE for words and the definitely have "a" connection.. oh to be young and infatuated... or to be older and infatuated with teens (Twilight, 90210, Gossip Girl) and vampires... who knew?

Twilight Mania

So, I'm in my bi-weekly spin class and we're pushing towards the end and about to go up this "hill" and what song starts to play.... Paramore's 'Decode' from the Twilight movie... so OBVIOUSLY I get SOOOOO PUMPED up and then the instructor goes "Does anyone like the Twilight series" and I do NOT know what got into me, BUT all of a sudden my hands were up in the air and I was screaming "YES YES"... seriously OOC- who does that?!? I am by far the youngest in the class and right before I almost JUMPED off my bike and ran out due to massive embarrassment the WOMAN (yes woman.. mom of 3 kids) catty-corner from me has her hands up on the air screaming 'YESSSS.... Nov 20 baby"... I was DEFINITELY shocked, but so excited that someone else shared my enthusiasm and then it started this whole 30 second train of jokes about going to see the movie this Friday for a matinee pushing through the tweens!

AND on top of it all there are many more of us sophisticated 'lady friends' that are trying to plan attending the New Moon movie... we're taking the world by storm... AHH GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!