Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Escalator Meltdown

OK so on a much more SERIOUS note.... how scary are escalators?!?!?

Maybe not to the normal man or woman who doesn't even think before getting on... I never had an issues with them.... that is until I started going to the mall with my sister in-law and I was pushing the stroller!

I guess maybe it's just fresh in my mind because I made a couple of trips with my mom and/or sister in law and we each had a stroller. And every time I had to give mine "away" and make my mom do it because I was too scared! I mean have you ever really looked DOWN when you are standing at the top... they can get pretty steep!

So yesterday I had my 6 week old niece in her big a** stroller and I'm about to go down and start to panic, so my mom offers to help. Then this Russian lady comes up and basically yells at me that I have to take the elevator because that can be "very dangerous", so I thank her and move on. So we are about to go down, my mom goes in front and I totally froze and looked around and there was this big back up.. so scary so I just ran away and went down the escalator.

But I did end the day on a good note by going UP for the first successfully... my mom's comment: "Kirah, when you have kids, don't ever go to the mall alone"

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