Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blast from the Past

So with the gloomy weather outside and my "friend" coming for her monthly visit I found myself roaming around the kitchen this afternoon aimlessly. What to eat? What to eat? More like what to eat that I haven't already eaten yet today. And I didn't feel like a home-made coffee, but needed a pick me up.... so I went into the pantry and remember I had randomly picked up some ginger snap cookies (and apple cider) while at the market. I'm not sure why I grabbed them, but I am very glad I did!

I popped some tea in the micro (like Momma Jane used to make in my pink Mickey Mouse mug) and spread some PB on those snaps and wa-la I was back in my mom's tan, wide-ass, town car waiting for CCD to start!

Oh the memories!!!! Keep 'em comin'!

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