Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Morning Fav

Entertainment/Life: Inspirational Moments

So, I don't think it was any secret that yesterday my endorphin level was probably a little low! I think by the days end I was doing a good job of staying positive and keeping things into perspective. BUT I did get a little pick-me-up towards the 4 'oclock hour when Ruby Flats sent me this AMAZING link to this blog posting. Now, I've never read any other of "la la Lovely's" blogs, but I definitely plan on it. I loved this blog so much I printed it out and am definitely putting it up on my wall, maybe even contemplating framing. I love how it is so natural, so down to earth, so human! I hope this inspires you like it did me:

* Here's the blog in case you don't get the link, but try out the link if you can.. it's cool!

Do you ever just think sometimes, about how amazing life is. I mean most days we drag our feet around feeling the effects of what we deem to be a rat race, but is it really? In the midst of the routine there are things happening all around....Some things that have nothing to do with us, some things that are right in front of our eyes and yet some things are happening that we have no absolutely no clue about, yet soon enough we will. Behind it all, your life is coming together, even if you are not aware of it.

Sometimes I forget this. I get lost in my smallness and in the bigness of the world and the others in it. And then there are these magical moments when I just know that behind everything there is a purpose. And I have a purpose. A reason that to live and a part to play in this beautiful life story. And you do too . . .Even if your not quite sure what your part is, or who the characters are in your story. And, even if everything seems to be falling apart, you still have this spectacular life to live out. Life happens (and so does other the stuff, as the saying goes). Life happens whether it is intentional or unintentional. Your story is being written whether you are writing it, leaving it blank or letting others write it for you. I want to write my story well. And although, I don't know what the next chapter will be, I can write this page, which is my today. And this page leads right into the next page. Will it be blank, left for others to dictate or will I fill it with my own creative ideas, thoughts and adventures? I'm ready to make every page worth turning to the next. Look for the extraordinary. Look for beauty. Look for love. Look for life. Look for purpose. It's all right in there in your everyday. In the small things you pass by and in the magical things that make a rare appearance. Hold on to them and let them fill the pages of your very own story. Your story is waiting to be told.

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