Thursday, October 22, 2009

Morning Fav

Entertainment: A Good Girls' Night Out

Now, I'm not talk Girls Gone Wild stuff, I'm talking about friends sitting around a table, drinking wine, eating yummy food, talking about everything under the moon (it was night), and really enjoying each other's company!

Luckily that's how I was able to spend my Tuesday evening.... Out to dinner with a group of girls from the 'hood. Now, not "everyone" could make it, but I really enjoyed myself! There was great conversation with the whole group as well as side conversations! And even if the conversation had NOTHING to do with you or something you could relate to, you were MORE than eager to attentively listen!

Growing up going to an all girl school my whole life the word "clique" was used a lot. Whether it was intentional or not you spent so much time judging and being exclusive to others that weren't "like you". Now, it's not like all of my friends growing up were exactly alike and had the exact same interests (we played different sports, liked different classes, even sometime hung out with a different social crowd), but we came together for a common purpose. Which is still so common today- book clubs, playgroups, mommy groups, sports leagues, Junior League :), etc.

However.... I can say that I am a lot more open to striking up a conversation with someone that may not look like "my cup of tea" if that make sense. And I'm not going to lie- I'm human and unfortunately at first sight I may internally judge (what is she/he wearing, I like those earrings, those are NOT so great shoes, look at her outfit- so cute.. that would never look good on me, etc. etc.), but after that initial thought I'm able to say to myself 'that's not fair, you don't know them.. no judging until you even try' and I find I can actually push those initial thoughts to the back of my head!

I'm not saying I'm freakin' Mother Theresa... but at least it's a start... don't judge a book by it's cover (ummm hello PRIME TIME EXAMPLE FOR ME.. TWILIGHT)

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