Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Can the Cake Cut It?

(ps... my cake does NOT look like this!!!!!!!!!)

So, I wanted to do something for "hubby's" birthday in terms of a "dessert". Brownies, muffins, cupcakes, and chocolate chip cookies are pretty much standard in our house, SO those choices were out, because I really wanted to do something special! I was going to bake a cake, but then realized he doesn't really like cake, besides our wedding cake I have been shoving down his throat on the 20th of each month for the past year! HAHA! dawned on me.. HE DOES LIKE 1 cake in particular.. ice cream cake! And... I'm going to attempt to make this? BAD IDEA! Well they say it is the thought that counts, right? So, I got a great recipe from Ruby Flats yesterday, which I was really pumped to make, BUT by the time I was at the grocery store at 6pm I was exhausted and couldn't fathom starting this dessert knowing I was going to f* it up! So, I went on and got another "style".

I think everything turned out pretty good except my homemade 'whipped cream topping'. I did EXACTLY what they said, but it came out a little runny... so, I froze it a little longer and this morning when I went to put it on the cake it wasn't 1/2 bad... until it started melting. I definitely probably consumed 1/2 a pint of "whipping cream" (makes me gag just saying that word.. it just sounds gross) before I headed out for the gym at 5:30am! BUT I did get it all on there.. the cake pieced together, then wrapped on a platter..

P.S.- which brings me to another tangent- was I suppose to use Cling Wrap or Aluminum Foil (i.e. which one will NOT take the icing off with it)... I opted for Foil with PAM sprayed on it?!!?)... I PANICKED.. OK!

Final step- to put the "cake mold" into the fridge to really UMPH it together... oh yeah... NOTE TO SELF... SIZE UP YOUR PLATTER PLATE TO YOUR FREEZER! Really underestimated that freezer size... which brings me back to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us be able to upgrade our appliances soon! So, then I had to transfer the cake mold to a small plate with the running 'whipped topping' and layer of ice cream without cracking the cake... phew! It worked! So, now my layered cake is laying tilted in the freezer, because it still isn't wide enough... Fingers crossed when it comes lunch time to take it over to his work it isn't disastrous!!!!!!!!!!!

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