Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Morning Fav

Celebrity: MY HUSBAND!

Haha, ok maybe he is just a celebrity in my eyes, but 'hubby' takes the #1 'Morning Fav' spot this AM to celebrate his BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Bumpkin!!!

Poor birthday boy was up before 5AM and headed into work for the early shift! LUCKILY I had everything all lined up the night before to make sure he got his AM coffee and "Happy Birthday Chocolate Chip Pancakes" before running out the door! I got a glimpse of my future as I was walking in to the Y telling all of the staff members they better remember to wish him a 'happy birthday'.... I'm going to be THAT MOM!!! EEK! Back to me moment, sorry... anyway this is about Kyle.. haha

I don't even think I can begin to describe my husband without going on for pages and pages and pages and you not wanting to click off the blog and/or vomit! So, I'll make it quick.... First off, Kyle is one of the most hard working people I know. And lucky for him he's pretty naturally talented in the sense that if he doesn't have experience in something (whether it be a sport or industry) he can focus hard enough to pick it up, what appears to be, quite easily! Kyle is extremely caring and giving. Although Kyle is pretty straightforward and will tell you like it is, when asked, he can be quite mysterious to those that don't know him.... like you're always trying to "figure him out". But in reality he really does lay all his cards out on the table. He comes off a little more quiet and introverted, but if he's comfortable around you he can loosen up pretty quickly! AND he's actually pretty good at getting under your skin on purpose... as my mother would say, "a skootch", but you know exactly when he's doing it so even though he gets your all riled up, you can't help but smile!

All in all...I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky our path's crossed and he decided to keep me in his life.. or it went a little something like this:

He's my best friend; my mentor; my hero; my husband!!

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