Friday, September 11, 2009

Morning Fav

USA: 9- 11 Tribute

Wow. Can you believe it has so long? It's crazy how time really does fly. Do you remember where you were 8 years ago today? I do. I was in a less than thrilling math class and when another student announced that 2 planes crashed into the WTC in NYC I knew it was bad, but had no idea what it "meant". I think about how naive and ignorant I was back then mostly due to my lack of knowledge.

Once again, without trying to get too political, I think it's great when we can come together as a country. Unfortunately mixed in with the good of our country is also corruption. And yes I think there are things our country, as a whole, can improve on. But we are SO lucky compared to some other countries who live in fear, in the middle of warfare, and extreme poverty. What do they usually say... tragedy brings people together? I hate that that is so true. But I believe there's a reason behind it. So, even if it's for one day try to put our differences aside and appreciate the opportunity each of us have been given. Forget Annoying Annie in the next cubicle, Miserable Mary next door, and even the usual "dumb ass" that turns without his blinker on :) . Smile a little more today. Say "hi" to one extra person. Do something selfless. Remind someone how important they are to you, even if you think they already know.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and take a look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”
It's easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget to see the big picture. I think it's a good thing to be humble and brought back down to earth every once in awhile. I do not know anyone directly involved in the 9/11 attacks and for that I am very lucky, but I constantly think about those who were directly and indirectly involved and my thoughts and prayers go out to them, their families, and loved ones.

I've been told I have a very soft heart, so whenever I hear the tributes I tend to blubber like a baby and then feel selfish that I haven't felt the horrific pain as others have... but really it doesn't matter. Today we are one.

Here are some tributes... some are songs, remixes, videos, etc. They were really hard to listen to and/or watch, but they were put together for a reason. If you want... feel free to click on a link below.

God Bless USA!

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