Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend vs. Weekday

OK.. so what did you do yesterday? Did you feel peaceful? Were you happy? Did you rest? Were you productive? So... what did you do?

Now fast forward to today.. MONDAY... how do you feel? Are you happy? Do you feel rested? Productive?

If I had to guess I'm going to say that I bet you feel differently about your yesterday and your today.. but why?

Why can't we make our weekdays feel more like our weekends? I don't know about you, but we are very active and productive on our weekends but still make time for rest. And you do what you want and feel great!

I know there is that thing called a j-o-b and many people don't have flexible hours so that makes it hard to sleep until you feel rested or get done the things you want to do. Corporate America needs to re-think the way it's running haha!

How many hours are "wasted" on people not being productive? Imagine if everyone just focused on what they had to do and when they were done.. they were done! Some days you could work 2-4 hours and I am sure other days you could work 15+ hour days! But what is the point of holding people hostage so they are kept on a schedule?!?! I mean I "get" why it's set up the way it is, it's just an interesting concept!

What if we all worked, but could get our work done and be done with it and get to enjoy the end of our day... even if it only happened once a week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kirah! SO true! I am totally not productive in the mornings before about 9:30am so it makes no sense for me to be at work. I can work till midnight if I need to though! I find it works better for me to go have a workout, do chores around the house, catch up on my morning news and then go into the office when my brain is ready to work. I guess thats the good part about working from home/being self employes - the freedom to work when you need to work, and not when you don't.

    Congraulations on the bump! So excited for you!! You guys will make the most amazing parents =)

    Keep blogging... I love reading what you have to say! Your posts always make me laugh ... and make me think =)


