Thursday, August 5, 2010

Morning Fav

Food: Bagel Thins

Well good 'ol Uncle Thomas has done it again.... he has now introduced his new "Bagel Things" into my life! I think it's pretty obvious I'm a bagel addict and no the "Fox29 news and MLS fitness" segment last week on "don't eat bagels" didn't scare me off! My fav- a nice yummy salt bagel, but I'll "settle" for a multi-grain every once in awhile.

Wondering through Walmart (that is a whole other story in it's own) on Monday I came across these Bagel Thins, which I was so excited about because I have been craving bagels bagels bagels daily... bagels in the AM with peanut butter and homemade bagel melts for lunch. Yes... I'm a pre-pregnancy bagel scooper, guilty as charged, so this option I LOVE because I get to have my bagel daily and not feel so "guilty".

Word of caution- don't toast them TOO much they harden quickly out of the toaster!

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