Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear John... Dear Lord...

* I will try to not give specific details if anyone is dying to see it so I don't ruin anything*

OK so the best part about this movie... which I'm sure you could have guessed is Channing Tatum. The word that best describes him in this movie is H-O-T... shirt on or off! Obviously the company I kept during the movie all preferred his shirt off :), but when between his smile, side grin, and beautiful eyes it was just "fun" to watch him! I've always had a secret celebrity crush on him, but he always played a "harder" role in non-Oscar movies (i.e. Step Up, Fighting, Stop-Loss, GI Joe, etc.)- basically what I am trying to say nicely is he played a poorer, tough, gotta fight you, character.

That being said....... after the movie was over no one got up right away and I'm talking not just our group, but other people in the theater. It was like everyone needed a moment to process it all.

I started reading the book after my mom gave it to me for Christmas. It took a chapter or two for me to get into it (some other friends it took a little longer), but then I started to really enjoy it. I made a comment last night in the movie and my friend turned and looked at me in disbelief... "wait you didn't finish the book" and I had to admit that I did not! As much as I wanted to I just couldn't... after all I went through last year while reading the Twilight series (especially New Moon) I figured it was best for the sanity of myself and my husband that I need not get involved too emotionally in a love story (OK for all of you that snickered that Twilight is about werewolves and vampires, to me I sort of cut that part out while reading and just concentrated on the relationships and love triangles... which is much easier to do in a book than the movies.. cause that is what the movies play off of).

The movie, even from the beginning, is different from the book at parts. And not just because I pictured people differently. Some characters ages and relationships are different and the way the movie ends is different than the book. I don't do so well with change so when this happens I sort of get all out of whack and it takes me awhile to process if I actually like what is happening.

One of the most difficult parts for me of the movie was John's (Channing Tatum) relationship with his dad. I mean seriously from the first moment the dad is introduced I think I started tearing up (but that is just me). Just thinking about it now gets me teary-eyed (OK yes so I get a little attached to movies). When we're young (and maybe some people now) we just take such advantage of our parents. For the most part if you have decent parents... they're just trying to do their best. I mean frankly they are HUMAN too... we all make mistakes... and probably raising a child, the older they get, is probably extremely scary and difficult! And most children, adolescents and teenagers want to be left alone.. can you imagine what that feels like to hear, feel, or just know that someone doesn't want to be around you or is annoyed by you, etc. Being a people pleaser that is SO crushing to me! OK sorry I went off on a tangent!

One of the other things that was difficult for me was how fast they go through the beginning of their relationship. I know that movies can't be 10 hours long, but you tend miss that initial attraction and connection. This was very similar for how I felt during the Twilight movie compared to the book.. the movie doesn't do their connection and relationship justice in the beginning and you just have to keep remembering if the way you read it!

I also kept getting really annoyed at Savannah (female main character/Amanda Seyfreid) toward the end of the movie... she was just so SELFISH! Now many could disagree and say that she was selfless... I think it depends on which relationship you are referring too. That's the thing.. is we're all different and relate to different characters and relationships. At one point her character says something like "I didn't have a choice"... UGH.. seriously?!? I know it may have felt that way to her, BUT SHE DID HAVE A CHOICE!!!!! There were clearly other options and routes she could have taken by showing her love in a different way and it would have clearly gotten the point across!

There was one point in the movie where they are standing by each other and he is in his nice uniform and tie and you just want her to jump across the table and grab him! Another part where he is crying... which he did really well... where I almost lost it!

I got home from the movie last night and Kyle obviously could tell that I had been crying! Once again I just had that feeling of despair! I was then texting with a friend and advising her not to see it... I take that all back now (after watching the trailer again haha). It's a love story and the characters are fun, but it is definitely deep and sad! Just some advice now.. do NOT go into it thinking it's like The Notebook... completely different!!!!!

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