Monday, March 8, 2010

Primavera (aka spring)

It's that time of year again... the sun is starting to pop out and get warmer each day! I said to my husband yesterday, this truly is my favorite part of year. The sun's presence and strength becomes more prominent, people begin to come out and about, the foliage goes begins to freshen again! And all people want to do is just be outside. There's such a pride and innocence in it all again.

As we played tennis yesterday afternoon I watched a mini van stop, open it's doors, and out popped 7-8 little boys with their lacrosse sticks. And for the next 30 minutes they just ran around the field playing keep away in an unstructured way, but were thoroughly enjoying themselves. I though to myself... how can I incorporate that into my every day life over the next 6 months? Now it's fun.. I'll start trading the treadmill for the off-road terrain exercise for the joy of being outside, having the fresh air in my face... but somehow it usually turns into "ugh I have to go for a run today".. but why?

We have too many "have to's" and "should dos" in our lives. Where do I get back to that "childhood" moment of pleading with my mom for 15 more minutes outside before dinner or homework?

1 comment:

  1. It's me again Dear ... I may have an answer to your question ... "BABY" ... I'm just sayin ...

