Friday, February 12, 2010

Morning Fav


So this one is a little unconventional, BUT... I am having a great morning so far! Kyle and I dragged our butts out of bed at 5:00AM to start the morning off with our own personal "sprint triathlon"! After being stuck in the house for 2 days- which don't get me wrong it was AMAZING to get to spend that time together- but I think we both agree we were looking for some strenuous physical activity!


We shared a lane in the freezing pool this morning (yes the power had shut down and the pool wasn't heated to the normal 80 degrees, haha... spoiled!) and finished our workout with a mini- 50m race! I know that I am being a bad winner, BUT.... I WON, I WON, I really really WON!!!!!! OK so major poor sport BUT I never win at anything with Kyle (except for winning his heart <3, haha vomit I know, but Valentines Day is ahead of us so suck it up)!

We then headed upstairs to spin class, which is always a fav 5 in my mind! I like the variety and intensity of the class- it keeps me going! Today I changed it up a little and tried to stay "in the saddle" as much as possible. They recommend that you get used to it for training purposes. Even as an avid spinner, my BUMM felt like it was going to fall off. It was truly a challenge physically AS WELL as mentally.. "get up get up, no don't get up, stay here.. this is so hard, ahhhh.. you can do it"! But the class went by quickly and I left feeling great.. Although 1/2 way through the class I almost had a mental break down when Kyle took my hand and placed it from "position 2 to position 1" on my handle bars.. seriously ALMOST freaked.. won't even share that conversation with you... keep it PG.. but after about a 5-minute battle I decided that previously being a personal trainer and the current Program and Wellness Director at the YMCA may qualify him to give me a few pointers! Haha CRAZY!!!!

Today's workout was topped off by a quick 20-minute run on the treadmill! I was actually able to push myself harder today and go at a faster mph! Endurance or pacing myself have never been my "strong points", but I'm working on it! I really tried to stay positive throughout my work out and it felt so good!!! It was such an exhilarating feeling to really be present and participate during each of those workouts. I just kept feeling and telling myself.. now THIS is what my body is meant to do.. now THIS is what my body can do.. now THIS is what my body will do! I'm young and strong and I should take advantage of that. My old therapist always used to say "think of your body as a temple" which sounds SO weird and honestly uncomfortable if you ask me... but this morning during that run I truly felt that way! It was so great!!!

As I was making my breakfast I thought.. wouldn't it be great if every morning could feel like that in one way or another? I literally chuckled "yeah right" under my breath and then thought WHY NOT? As "normal" as my life is I have a pretty unconventional job that I keep trying to make conventional by organizing it around "standard" business hours! And there it is again.. the feeling of the need to "conform" and please people! I honestly get so insecure about my job sometimes that others are judging me. And you may think, why do you care? BUT I DO CARE because these people are my family and friends. I know not everyone cares and you could argue that I'm being selfish or self-centered to think that others really "care" about my schedule... but sometimes you can't help but to feel judged.. and even sometimes I may be the one judging.. making something out of nothing!

When it all comes down to it we're in control of how we feel at the end of each day. Have we worked, focused, tried, loved, cared enough that day? NO MATTER what it is that you are doing- are you a man or woman that has a 9-5 job, works from home, is a "stay at home mom", a philanthropist? Each of us has a role to play in this game we call life... it passes by way to quickly and a lot of the times we take advantage of the situation or opportunity right in front of us, for one reason or another. No matter what you do each day or what you role is you are important! Especially if you work hard at what you do.... you can have a significant affect on your lives and others! Why go around judging yourself and others all day when instead you could be a positive influence? Someone who empowers, who is caring, who nurtures, is a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, gives sound advice, a partner, a leader, etc. The list goes on and on.. be what you want to be... but be a participant! At the end of each day you truly know how much you gave that day.. it's measure by that feeling inside! Do you want to feel that maybe you could have done more or do you want to feel fulfilled?!?

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