Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Morning Fav

Being Pregnant

I know are you so annoyed with me yet? Pregnancy DEFINITELY has its UPS and DOWNS trust me. I may not have experienced everything first hand but a lot of my closest friends have and I can tell you there are joys and triumphs and scares and horrors! The most that we can wish for is that "God" or whomever/whatever you believe in can help keep you and your baby healthy and safe!

Yesterday we had our big "halfway" ultrasound and it was so amazing! Now my sonograms didn't come out that great but the whole experience watching the screen as they try and get the measurements and little Babe to move around. He/She was sucking it's thumb with legs crossed. Watching the heart beat flutter rapidly, throwing a punch or a kick here and there. They now give you a 4D view of the baby where you can see features and that is FREAKY but neat at the same time. When you look at the positive and beautiful side, you just feel so blessed to be giving life! I keep looking at my pictures and realizing there is a HUMAN (hopefully haha) growing inside of me... literally! It is the craziest concept! I keep falling in love each time I look at the picture... getting more attached. Which makes me happier and more excited, but then freaks me out because I want more than anything for it to be healthy and safe!

With 5 more months to go (yes you are preggo for 10 months... not 9) so much can happen and you just hope and pray that everything goes as though "God" plans and everyone stays happy and healthy and safe!

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