Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Girl Effect

My friend shared this link with me and I cannot stop thinking about it! Everyone has their "cause" and mine used to be (and still is) spreading the word and knowledge on preventing Eating Disorders, BUT as I get older and get more involved in other things I learn how many "causes" there are out there.

My family is a huge supporter of KIPP (knowledge is Power Program/Charter School (college-preparatory public schools with a track record of preparing students in under served communities for success in college and in life.) That is a whole other  blog within itself, but the more I educated myself, attend events, and get involved, the more I want apart of making a difference.

I am really interested in learning more about this Girl Effect that my friend sent me. Here is the website: and here is the video, watch if you can! I used to do a lot of traveling with work and even though the countries I go to in Central America aren't as impoverished as a lot of other countries (and continents for that matter) you still see SO many people living in poverty and what is the worst is seeing the children.... their little bodies, faces, and spirits all drawn in.... gone.... forced to live like an adult much earlier than necessary and than any of us can imagine! This is one of the reasons this video touched me! The other is as a woman I can't even imagine if I was forced to experience 1/2 of what these little girls go through. When we watch "crime dramas" on t.v. yes it's upsetting but it's TV, but if you really stop and thinking about it, the stories of sex trafficking, rape, HIV, drug addiction, etc. COME from somewhere!

Long story short this is my way of spreading the news!

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