Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear John... Dear Lord...

* I will try to not give specific details if anyone is dying to see it so I don't ruin anything*

OK so the best part about this movie... which I'm sure you could have guessed is Channing Tatum. The word that best describes him in this movie is H-O-T... shirt on or off! Obviously the company I kept during the movie all preferred his shirt off :), but when between his smile, side grin, and beautiful eyes it was just "fun" to watch him! I've always had a secret celebrity crush on him, but he always played a "harder" role in non-Oscar movies (i.e. Step Up, Fighting, Stop-Loss, GI Joe, etc.)- basically what I am trying to say nicely is he played a poorer, tough, gotta fight you, character.

That being said....... after the movie was over no one got up right away and I'm talking not just our group, but other people in the theater. It was like everyone needed a moment to process it all.

I started reading the book after my mom gave it to me for Christmas. It took a chapter or two for me to get into it (some other friends it took a little longer), but then I started to really enjoy it. I made a comment last night in the movie and my friend turned and looked at me in disbelief... "wait you didn't finish the book" and I had to admit that I did not! As much as I wanted to I just couldn't... after all I went through last year while reading the Twilight series (especially New Moon) I figured it was best for the sanity of myself and my husband that I need not get involved too emotionally in a love story (OK for all of you that snickered that Twilight is about werewolves and vampires, to me I sort of cut that part out while reading and just concentrated on the relationships and love triangles... which is much easier to do in a book than the movies.. cause that is what the movies play off of).

The movie, even from the beginning, is different from the book at parts. And not just because I pictured people differently. Some characters ages and relationships are different and the way the movie ends is different than the book. I don't do so well with change so when this happens I sort of get all out of whack and it takes me awhile to process if I actually like what is happening.

One of the most difficult parts for me of the movie was John's (Channing Tatum) relationship with his dad. I mean seriously from the first moment the dad is introduced I think I started tearing up (but that is just me). Just thinking about it now gets me teary-eyed (OK yes so I get a little attached to movies). When we're young (and maybe some people now) we just take such advantage of our parents. For the most part if you have decent parents... they're just trying to do their best. I mean frankly they are HUMAN too... we all make mistakes... and probably raising a child, the older they get, is probably extremely scary and difficult! And most children, adolescents and teenagers want to be left alone.. can you imagine what that feels like to hear, feel, or just know that someone doesn't want to be around you or is annoyed by you, etc. Being a people pleaser that is SO crushing to me! OK sorry I went off on a tangent!

One of the other things that was difficult for me was how fast they go through the beginning of their relationship. I know that movies can't be 10 hours long, but you tend miss that initial attraction and connection. This was very similar for how I felt during the Twilight movie compared to the book.. the movie doesn't do their connection and relationship justice in the beginning and you just have to keep remembering if the way you read it!

I also kept getting really annoyed at Savannah (female main character/Amanda Seyfreid) toward the end of the movie... she was just so SELFISH! Now many could disagree and say that she was selfless... I think it depends on which relationship you are referring too. That's the thing.. is we're all different and relate to different characters and relationships. At one point her character says something like "I didn't have a choice"... UGH.. seriously?!? I know it may have felt that way to her, BUT SHE DID HAVE A CHOICE!!!!! There were clearly other options and routes she could have taken by showing her love in a different way and it would have clearly gotten the point across!

There was one point in the movie where they are standing by each other and he is in his nice uniform and tie and you just want her to jump across the table and grab him! Another part where he is crying... which he did really well... where I almost lost it!

I got home from the movie last night and Kyle obviously could tell that I had been crying! Once again I just had that feeling of despair! I was then texting with a friend and advising her not to see it... I take that all back now (after watching the trailer again haha). It's a love story and the characters are fun, but it is definitely deep and sad! Just some advice now.. do NOT go into it thinking it's like The Notebook... completely different!!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How-to Hair

OK so before I write this blog I must preface it with how ridiculously vain it could be....

I ask that this be an interactive blog so I can get your feedback.... here is my dilemma (and I'm very aware how lucky I am that this is the "worst of my worries" on this lovely Saturday morning I spend with family):

Hair Needs: Hair Cut and Highlights and I could probably use a nice deep conditioning treatment for my locks since I've been swimming lately

Tale of two salons... or three....

For my highlights I usually head over to Gladwyne to the OMG salon. I LOVE the way the stylist, Victoria, gets the color of my hair usually exactly how I want it! I walk in as Spring is Sprung and she knows I want it blonde, blonde, blonde.... and during the winter months she knows I like to "experiment" and "go darker" and doesn't get annoyed with me- which is huge, because how many of us have felt awkward while sitting in that salon chair when we "want to try something different, but don't exactly know what we want and ask the opinion of the stylist... who wants direction. For awhile they had "Recession Rates" and on Thursdays was the discounted highlight day. As of yesterday when I called apparently our recession is "over" or just their rates are over- boo!

My haircut has always been a struggle since I've had to pay for it (haha) because it is SO expensive and it doesn't matter how much you are getting taken off.. i.e. I like the idea of a trim, but to pay $65+ for a trim is CRAZY!!! So for awhile with trims I'd go to Hair Cuttery or some cheaper salon and for my big cuts would go to my salon of choice. Now... I've been going to a salon that uses Kerastase products so when I go biannually I always get a hair mask/treatment and it has worked for me!

NOW the dilemma.... I NEED BOTH and ASAP!

So before I ask "what do I do?" let me introduce another "option"...

Thanks to a friend I found this great hair stylist who was very reasonable for coloring and cuts! So up until my wedding I was using her pretty frequently. Then she left her salon and was doing everything out of her home- which was great (cheap, flexible hours), but it took about 20 minutes to get there (not ideal but could be worth saving the funds). I don't know why I stopped going, but it just faded out.

Now all this being said I can't even get my hair blown dry any more because salons barely include it with the cuts and highlights (so ridiculous)!

The Big Picture question is do I continue with my OMG highlights, Jay Michael Hair Cuts and Treatments trading back and forth or do I go back to Jill for a "one stop shop" and cheaper job?!?

The more immediate question is what do I do THIS WEEK? I have an appointment on Thursday for OMG for highlights...

* Do I make a separate appointment at Hair Cuttery for earlier in the week with this stylist (who left OMG) that my friend referred me to?
* Do I call OMG and just get my hair cut while I'm there and fork over the $$ for convenience?
* Do I go to Jay Michael Salon and do my haircut, Kerastase treatment, and then go to OMG for highlights?
* Do I call Jill to see if she has any openings and go back with my tail between my legs?!?

Decisions... Decisions.......


Tragic Olympic Accident

With all of the wonderful hype and events leading up to the Olympics in Vancouver, unfortunately there was a horrific accident yesterday that you can't help but ignore.

Yesterday morning, Nodar Kumaritashvili, a 21-year old Georgian (the country) luger was killed on his morning practice run. He was on his FINAL curve and they say he was going 90mph. There was an investigation done and the Olympic committee is saying that the "athlete" lost control and he was inexperienced etc. etc. Which he may have had less experience than the other athletes, but he was ranked 44th in the world AT THE OLYMPICS- how can you call that inexperienced? And on another note there were over 1/2 dozen crashes and injuries the day before! One of the men on the Olympic committee was talking about he even was questioning the difficulty of the track overall and how it is very dangerous!

The video of the accident is SO horrible and extremely hard to watch! They show him loose control, fly airborne over the wall and strike medal beams. As soon as he hits the beam you don't see him move again. Could you imagine being one of his trainers/coaches or teammates that were right there with him? Obviously no one would even think that something of this magnitude could happen.

Could you imagine being a fellow luger that is expected to compete? I'd not only be filled with sorrow, but scared **less as well! I'm not sure if anyone watched the the Olympic Opening Ceremony last night (oh yes I did- made Kyle's whole family watch it for hours only to be the one that falls asleep in the last 5 minutes and missed the lighting of the torch- I mean seriously? But SO typical!) but when the Georgian team walked in with black scarves and arm bands, the flag half staff it really "hit home"... you just never know!

Morning Fav

Beauty: Bumble and Bumble Curl Conscious Cream

"You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" is exactly how I felt this week! I ran out of the product I use when I do my hair curly!

I LOVE hair products.... probably not as much as I used to, but I really love trying out "the best" and finding my favorite. Most people say- you find what you like and stick with it! Which is very true, but sometime with hair products (shampoo and conditioner as well) you just have to switch it up, it's better for your hair!

I wasn't a huge Bumble and Bumble fan of recent but sometime around my wedding one of my curly haired friends introduced me to this product and it was love! It gave me the curl I needed without the Jersey Shore crunch- which sometime can actually look really nice, especially during the summer and more humid temperatures because you NEED that hold.

This is a great product, you don't have to use a lot of it, and it lasts awhile!

PS- the key to "curlier" less frizzy hair is to keep the curls in tact (i.e. if you brush it, the best time to do it is with the conditioner still in the shower).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Morning Fav


So this one is a little unconventional, BUT... I am having a great morning so far! Kyle and I dragged our butts out of bed at 5:00AM to start the morning off with our own personal "sprint triathlon"! After being stuck in the house for 2 days- which don't get me wrong it was AMAZING to get to spend that time together- but I think we both agree we were looking for some strenuous physical activity!


We shared a lane in the freezing pool this morning (yes the power had shut down and the pool wasn't heated to the normal 80 degrees, haha... spoiled!) and finished our workout with a mini- 50m race! I know that I am being a bad winner, BUT.... I WON, I WON, I really really WON!!!!!! OK so major poor sport BUT I never win at anything with Kyle (except for winning his heart <3, haha vomit I know, but Valentines Day is ahead of us so suck it up)!

We then headed upstairs to spin class, which is always a fav 5 in my mind! I like the variety and intensity of the class- it keeps me going! Today I changed it up a little and tried to stay "in the saddle" as much as possible. They recommend that you get used to it for training purposes. Even as an avid spinner, my BUMM felt like it was going to fall off. It was truly a challenge physically AS WELL as mentally.. "get up get up, no don't get up, stay here.. this is so hard, ahhhh.. you can do it"! But the class went by quickly and I left feeling great.. Although 1/2 way through the class I almost had a mental break down when Kyle took my hand and placed it from "position 2 to position 1" on my handle bars.. seriously ALMOST freaked.. won't even share that conversation with you... keep it PG.. but after about a 5-minute battle I decided that previously being a personal trainer and the current Program and Wellness Director at the YMCA may qualify him to give me a few pointers! Haha CRAZY!!!!

Today's workout was topped off by a quick 20-minute run on the treadmill! I was actually able to push myself harder today and go at a faster mph! Endurance or pacing myself have never been my "strong points", but I'm working on it! I really tried to stay positive throughout my work out and it felt so good!!! It was such an exhilarating feeling to really be present and participate during each of those workouts. I just kept feeling and telling myself.. now THIS is what my body is meant to do.. now THIS is what my body can do.. now THIS is what my body will do! I'm young and strong and I should take advantage of that. My old therapist always used to say "think of your body as a temple" which sounds SO weird and honestly uncomfortable if you ask me... but this morning during that run I truly felt that way! It was so great!!!

As I was making my breakfast I thought.. wouldn't it be great if every morning could feel like that in one way or another? I literally chuckled "yeah right" under my breath and then thought WHY NOT? As "normal" as my life is I have a pretty unconventional job that I keep trying to make conventional by organizing it around "standard" business hours! And there it is again.. the feeling of the need to "conform" and please people! I honestly get so insecure about my job sometimes that others are judging me. And you may think, why do you care? BUT I DO CARE because these people are my family and friends. I know not everyone cares and you could argue that I'm being selfish or self-centered to think that others really "care" about my schedule... but sometimes you can't help but to feel judged.. and even sometimes I may be the one judging.. making something out of nothing!

When it all comes down to it we're in control of how we feel at the end of each day. Have we worked, focused, tried, loved, cared enough that day? NO MATTER what it is that you are doing- are you a man or woman that has a 9-5 job, works from home, is a "stay at home mom", a philanthropist? Each of us has a role to play in this game we call life... it passes by way to quickly and a lot of the times we take advantage of the situation or opportunity right in front of us, for one reason or another. No matter what you do each day or what you role is you are important! Especially if you work hard at what you do.... you can have a significant affect on your lives and others! Why go around judging yourself and others all day when instead you could be a positive influence? Someone who empowers, who is caring, who nurtures, is a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, gives sound advice, a partner, a leader, etc. The list goes on and on.. be what you want to be... but be a participant! At the end of each day you truly know how much you gave that day.. it's measure by that feeling inside! Do you want to feel that maybe you could have done more or do you want to feel fulfilled?!?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monster Madness


My husband has officially gone over the deep end! As he says it with a smile I want to jump across the couch and strangle and kiss him all at once! No, dirty minds, I'm not talking anything dominatrix here... just a plan spoiled husband!

OK I like to cook and bake and make sure my family is happy... to a certain extent! Everyone has their "house hold duties" they take care of... however this has been taken to the next level and I take full responsibility... I have only myself to blame!

As my husband ever so nicely cleared the driveway (not that we're going anywhere) I made him his favorite omelet, cinnamon-sugar English muffins, OJ, and a caramel macchiatto! No big deal!

As I proclaim that I'm going upstairs to finish up some work and will be down in 30 minutes to make lunch and we can watch a movie... he announces how "starving" he is and suggests maybe lunch should be made "now". My response?!? Ummmmm.... NO! You can wait 30 minutes.. he then goes on to ask for a snack to be made in his honor before lunch!! WHAT?!?! At that point I do lunge across the coach and strangle him.. don't worry it all ends well with some kisses, but still!!!!!

It's all in good fun, but sometimes I believe there is 100% seriousness behind that laugh and smile!!! <3

Morning Fav


Yes that's right... I'm a self proclaimed Snow Day-aholic! Your first thought may be.... wait don't you work from home? YES that is very true.... however the joy of working from home is a flexible schedule (most of the time). So last night I worked later, got my work done so I only had a few things to work on today and could enjoy the day with my husband and then later on some birthday and baby festivities with the neighborhood girls! Tough life- right?!? At times it seems so.... but days like these make you take a step back and really appreciate what you have! And it's different for everyone!

I hope everyone can enjoy their day... hopefully it's snowing where you are and you can be snuggled inside or you will be soon!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Stomach

Dear Stomach,

How can you possibly be hungry again?!? I just fed you!!! And I know that it was nutritious, because it was well thought out of the exact combination of carbs, protein, veggies, etc.! Today is my off day, so I would appreciate it if you simmered down now... It will be time soon enough for wine and dinner! In the mean time just pretend that I am feeding you those yummy girl scout cookies that you so crave!


The Bachelor

Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying HIIIIIGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

OK so I was off of the Bachelor for awhile.. and I think it was because for the longest time my mom was SO obsessed with it and had all these issues DVR'ing and then I'd have to record it and watch it and then wasn't allowed to talk about it because she hadn't seen the episodes yet! So for clearly good reasoning, haha, I was out of the loop!

Well not sure how it happened, but I'm back in. And this guy is a CHEESE BALL, but secretly cute! But at this point, with 3-4 girls left you KNOW he has to be favoring some more than others! It has to be hard for the girls but also for him as well. What I mean is, I'm sure he has a ton of things he can and can't do in his contract with ABC to keep the show going and the fans watching!! NOT that he has it rough by kissing and grouping a San Fran athletic cutie, a dancer, a swimsuit model, a Florida hoochie mama!

I'm a fan of all the girls, minus Vienna- vomit city! I really like Ali, but last night she through everyone for a loop with her work dilemma! Basically she would lose her job if she stayed on the show! NOW... this has to be so hard, because she is so driven and independent but you could see how much she was into Jake (our bachelor). BUT at the same time, this is a game! And although he kept telling her he didn't want he to leave, he didn't tell her "she was the one". There was NO solid evidence she would be the last one standing. AND on top of everything else... if she quit her job to stay how much pressure does that put on him to pick her (and it's the same awkward, bizarre, scenario when women give men the engagement ultimatum- why would you want someone to marry you because you "forced them to"?!?! Wouldn't you WANT them to WANT to marry you?).

Any-who, last night ends with her leaving the show (in the cutest dress), Jake distraught, but putting on a brave face to tell the ladies they're on their way to the Caribbean! BUT the previews for next week show him having an amazing time, massively making out on the beach and in the water with the luscious ladies (so much that I got second hand embarrassment) and then he gets a call from.... drum roll please... ALI!!!!!!!

So....... does he blow her off or do we think that in the end he KNOWS she is the one and will end up with her?!? Let's be honest.. reality TV is not so "reality" anymore.. ANYTHING is fair game!

Morning Fav

Food: Brown Rice Sushi

So.. I'm not really a rice fan unless it's a type of cous cous or risotto (OK already foaming at the mouth thinking about those two options), but I never pass up on sushi! Now... sushi just got even better and healthier :) for me! I know it may not be something NEW, but it is to me... ordering my sushi with brown rice!

Last night, long story short, I ordered take out sushi! I did a variety of spicy tuna, spicy tuna and avocado, dragon roll, and sweet potato roll (sounds weird.. don't knock it til you try it.. SO YUMMY)! I ordered all of them with brown rice and it was simply scrumptious!

Help Haiti Rise

I found this good cause on Ruby Flat's blog and had to share! Part of me is ashamed I haven't written about this sooner and the other part of me thinks "better late than never".

More so than none people want to help when things are fresh in their minds or there is a lot of hustle and bustle going on, because there is a constant reminder.... but the after math, no pun intended, is when it is so important.

Specifically in the case of the earthquake in Haiti. The country of Haiti is still suffering and needs help! How many of us thought about donating money/clothes, texting to the Red Cross and donating $10 from your phone bill, or even the more "unrealistic" adoption of Haitian orphans... every time it came on Good Morning America I'd find myself in tears and wanting to help in any way possible!

These t-shirts (click on blog title link), Help Haiti Rise, are a good idea, because they are killing two birds with one stone. You are promoting the awareness and cause of helping Haiti when you wear it, BUT just by purchasing the t-shirt 100% of the proceeds go to Partners in Health (www.pih.org), which is helping out in Haiti as we speak. An added bonus- the t-shirts are cute and they are that really comfortable material!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Better Sex Secrets by Fit Magazine

OK so watch out for this link (click on the blog title) it is definitely rated PG-16... maybe PG-30 I don't even know.. it definitely gives me Secondhand Embarrassment.. so why post anything you say?

Well to be honest it IS informative, BUT more so I got it sent to me in my weekly "Fit List" emails that I get sent by Fitness Magazine and Self Magazine ONLINE.. you should sign up- they usually give great food/snack ideas as well as ways to keep exercise more appealing and fun... well I guess that is why this was on the top of their list this morning! I guess I was more taken back by the illustrations!

And if you are having sex in order to "get in your exercise" maybe you should think again why you're having it.... maybe just try to "be in the moment" and enjoy it!

BUT.. no judgment! I read it and am now sharing it with all of you!

2010 Super Bowl Commercial Favs

It's no secret that the Super Bowl is known for it's commercials.. hence why people like me can actually concentrate on one thing for that long.. the element of "surprise" and what will come next!

If you click on the blog title it will take you to the 2010 Super Bowl Ads and you can scroll down and see my favorites!

My Winner:
I THINK, hands down, the best commercial last night is the Dorito's Lay the Smack Down! I'll give you a hint.. it's the Dorito's commercial with the little boy and the mom's date.

Runner's Up:

I really like the Dove commercial. I'm a huge supporter of the Dove campaign for real Beauty and now they are starting to cater to our men! I.E. you men work hard and should be able to pamper yourself! I'm a huge fan on men (especially ones that do manual labor, exercise, etc.) pampering themselves- feet, hands, faces!

And of course I can't leave out the Bud Light commercial where the entire house is made out of BL! The people who worked on the commercial actually had to drain ALL of those Bud Light cans.. can you imagine how long that took??!!? Hopefully they were able to sneak in some sips!

Budweiser does it again.. with the human bridge to help the Budweiser truck get across to their town!

The new Robin Hood movie looks AMAZING! Huge fan of Russel Crowe in those "manly" movies too! The only thing is.. why try and compete and one up Kevin Costner's Robin Hood.. now THAT was a GREAT MOVIE! Hmm... would LOVE to watch that this week!


Almost cried at the Intel Robot commercial...... yeah no real explanation for that

Kyle wants to see the new Alice in Wonderland the day it comes out.. interesting!

The coke commercial where the guy sleepwalks through the outback is pretty cool!

Morning Fav

Entertainment: "New Blog Alert"

Today's morning fav is another blog reference. This blog came across my facebook "news feed" that one of my friends posted she has a new blog. So I went and checked it out and liked what I saw! I think blogging is a great way to get to know people better on a deeper level. It's hard to be honest and forthright for fear of what others may think when they pass judgment. Blogging is just another way to talk about whatever you want, whenever you want and those that care or are interested will listen! No pressure.

So without further ado.. here is the new blog I'll be following: "Just Say Know Girl"... you have to click on my "Morning Fav" to go there!

Back to Blogging!

OK I am determined to blog today even if it sets me back a few minutes! It feels like it has been FOREVER!!!

Sometimes life gets in the way (yes I just referred to the Sister Hazel song) and we get so caught up in it all it's hard to slow down, take a step back, and be an active participant! I'm going to try really hard to get back in my schedule of setting aside 10-30 minutes of "me" time and blog it out!

I have so many things I want to talk about: my new sprint-triathlon training, my new lacrosse job, my new obsession with paddle, and my secrete lust for getting pummeled by these snow storms are just a few to begin with! My blogspot is STILL "acting out" and not letting me use my usual format and post any pictures! Any feedback would be more than helpful!