Thursday, October 29, 2009

New York New York here I come!!!! So, I've been dropping some LESS-THAN subtle hints about wanting to go see "The Nutcracker" this winter.. not quite sure where my urge came from, but I know that mom and dad took me once or twice when I was little and I just wanted to visit those memories again, I guess!

So, I had been looking online for when it is in Philly and it kept booking up and booking up. We already have a pretty busy December, so I wasn't really sure when we were going to be able to go. Well last weekend the mail came and I always separate it. Well I guess someone had gotten some tickets from the New York City Ballet as a surprise, BUT the NYCB was also less-than subtle with their largely marked envelope. I didn't think much of it.. ok well a little... but figured if he wanted me to know he would tell me! So yesterday he gave me the tickets and we are going up to NYC right before Christmas for an afternoon matinée!!!


Start the Day off Right!

"Hubby" had to be at work extra early so I got up for the send off and decided to head on off to morning spin! The instructor did a Halloween tribute with some random Halloween songs mixed in. One of my favorites was the "Ghostbusters" where he had everyone doing a little call and answer! The song would go "Who ya gonna call??!?!" and then, while climbing up our level 8-9 hill, would shout GHOSTBUSTERS! It was just really cool to see a bunch of adults having some silly fun over a "child-like celebration"... at 6am nonetheless! Love it!!!

Say.... WHAT?

"Hi DAD!! How are you?"

- "HI! Who's this?"

"It's Kirah.. YOUR DAUGHTER!"

- "Hold on please let me go turn down the music. Ok, hello?"

"Hi Dad, it' s Kirah, your daughter"

- "OHHH.. HI Honey!"

Gotta love him!

Morning Fav

Food/Drink: Oregon Chai: Vanilla Chai Tea

This is one of my go-to-fav's once the weather gets a little cooler. I do love my coffee, but you can only have so many cups a day. PLUS, I love vanilla chai tea latte's and Starbuck's tends to be a little too spicy for my liking.

I like how I can mix this "concentrate" with either milk or water depending on how I am feeling! It definitely has a MAJOR sweet factor to it, but you don't need a lot to make you warm and fuzzy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You Never Know

OK I know I SHOULD know better, BUT better safe than sorry, right?

I was going through my SPAM emails, just in case, and found some things that didn't belong. And then I came across 2 emails from the FBI! Now... I do get those emails from Nigeria, etc. for people asking for money to help out that I know are not real and this seemed like it was combating against it! The email basically said that there was A LOT of money sitting in a bank in my name and I was going to be charged... didn't seem likely, BUT I have heard a lot of crazy, bad stuff about identity theft and I have lost more than one license back in the day!

So, just in case I decided to call the FBI myself.. clearly a good idea.. 1/2 way through holding I panicked and how ridiculous, whatever I was going to say, was going to sound!! But I stayed on the line and not even 2 sentences later the FBI operator interrupts me and is like Ma'am, Ma'am.... it's a scam... wait for the next message.... haha am I gullible or what?!?

Good Luck Phillies

Cliff Lee's big start tonight!!!!!!!!!! 3 up; 3 down Mr. Lee Please!!!!!

Can you believe all the HOOP LA going on with the Phils and Yanks? Did you see the New York Post with a pic of Shane Victorino in a skirt?!?

I'm so excited for the series... well not necessarily the baseball, but I hope that NYC fans really pissed off those Phillies so they go out fighting hard... rain or shine!! We obviously know it ticked off the Philly fans... everyone thinks we're stupid and ugly thanks to those annual polls people put out... but then the news just fuels the fire by putting DUMB and OUT OF CONTROL fans on the news- like umm hello no wonder we have the rep!

I hope everyone stays safe, but I do have to say that NY and Philly fans are both passionate and will do what it takes to cheer on their teams.. plus both teams have great athletes- so it should be good to see... PLUS.. if you are going to the game PLEASE look for Kate Hudson (although I am not feeling her as much now that she is with A-Rod.. nothing personal to him, I just think it's weird).

PS- be on the look out if you are headed down to the game, because apparently SEPTA is in the middle of negotiation talks for more moola- smart cookies... they know that Philly can't say know with the game coming up here this weekend... how will people get to the games? will that promote more drunk driving? will people not be able to go? So, we will see, I'll keep ya posted!!!

Morning Fav

Entertainment: Moving Up

So I am definitely NOT a TLC fan and for some reason I secretly (well not anymore) really dislike that channel, no clue why I just do! But a few weeks ago when I was down in North Carolina visiting a friend that had on this show "Moving Up" that I totally got sucked in to.. one episode turned into two and two into three. I found myself watching an episode this week as I made my grocery list, party planner, and rearranged some furniture, and it is so good!

So it is still a home improvement and 'before and after' show, but involves 3 different couples! So basically they show you each house before people move in and renovations begin. Couple 1 moves out and into Couple 2's humble abode and Couple 2 moves out and into Couple 3's pad and then who cares what Couple 3's new place looks like.. right? haha JK!

And it's cool because the 'before' the the old owners say that they will just 'die' if 'this or that' is changed and then the new people come in and are like 'this is SO tacky.. were they serious?" and then the old owners get to come back and walk through the house and give their opinions of what the new owners did... ALL THE WHILE.. the new owners watch them on a DVD so they can see what they said.... some people get SO defenseless and are ruthless, haha LOVE IT!

And the host is sort of a creeper too so that's fun!

Ever wonder what happens to your house after your move out?!? Well I definitely have... talk about a SUPER STALKER!!! I LOVE driving by, on occasion, good 'ole Drakes Drum Drive and seeing the old hood, brings back memories of when I was really young. Great Springs Rd is another hand... that is the house I grew up in, my baby!!! And after we moved out (the year I went to college... when I came home for fall break, my parents were in Spain and I had to fine my 'new home' and it was the PITS... nothing was the same and it just wasn't 'my home').

So, the first few years were hard I will admit, but at least the house was the same... I guess we sold it to some basketball player? I would definitely do drive bys on the cul-de-sac, but since the driveway was so long you couldn't see much... so then it required me driving up to Harriton House and looking at the back yard. In between owners I even made my friend and 'hubby' go back and try to see this like thousand pound statue and thought it would fit in the back of her wrangler... guess 'hubby' wasn't strong enough haha!!

The new owners completely tore down the house and built some monstrosity that got rid of the indoor pool, moved the outdoor pool to the complete other side.. sort of like.. oh I'll just move a pool- no big deal! Then the house basically totally got rid of the hill and one of the rooms is even over top of the pond- which they put a HUGE fountain in the middle of that lights up- WHAT?!?! I will admit they did spruce up the tennis courts- why we never took more advantage of it- like why did my parents NOT make me play more tennis (could have been a level 4.5 by now and not a meesely 2.5, thanks MOM!)... although I did utilize it a little bit when I thought I could be the next Mia Hamm in middle and high school! And whoever those kids are have a pretty cool swing set- with wood chips- so I'll give them those props! But I can't help to have my goal, one day, be to get that house back... don't sell yourself short kids!!!

Welcome Back Welcome Back Welcome Back

I hope you all didn't think I jumped off my roof after Sunday morning's post.. oops heat of the moment, what can I say, I'm emotional and passionate, haha!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Morning Madness

WHAT... it's freaking 8am on a SUNDAY (nonetheless) and I'm already going to "have a cow man". I WISH I WAS AT CHURCH.... then I could get a lot more calm and peaceful!

Do you ever take responsibility for something or someone else and it isn't even your place? I'm the one that is always saying "know what you can control and what you can't" or "take a step back and put things into perspective'... so that is what I am really trying to do BUT it's definitely a struggle!

So about 2 weeks ago I went on Craigslist and found someone who will delivered "seasoned" firewood (which if you don't know seasoned is the better of the options). Checked with the hubby, showed him the site, etc. etc. and everything seemed pretty legit and we were good to go. Well last weekend we realized there were a bunch of questions we didn't ask: what type of wood; what is a chord of wood to them, etc. etc.- all legit questions. So we're all ready to go last Sunday and the guy calls and cancels and asks if he can come 'next Sunday'. So definitely annoying, but whatever.

He was suppose to be here at 7:30am and still didn't arrive one hour later! Hubby has to be somewhere in less than an hour which means I'm left to deal with the situation on my own.. which usually would be ok- I'm a tough girl I can stack wood.. BUT now there is a whole other element that I am FREAKING out about.... if we will really get 2 chords of wood... well I doubt that is likely now because after researching apparently a normal truck bed is only a 1/2 chord- so how the EFF is this guy going to get 2 chords of wood here from York, PA?!?! Hubby says the only way is if he has a dump truck... umm I'm sure the likely hood of that happening is closer to pigs flying......

But all in all I say it all worked out... they came, they dumped, they left! I think that we have enough wood, I got a receipt and we will see! I'm not allowed to stack it until the Big Man on Campus gets home, but I'm ready to get started!!!! BRING IT!

Cute Party Invitations

Well I found out a new way to start a party off with a BANG.... or pop! Yesterday's gloomy, dreary weather turned a little brighter when we came home to a cute balloon on a stick handle sitting at our front door that said "POP ME".... so we did... and all these colorful confetti sprinkled around us... it felt like slow motion! I was seriously so mesmerized "hubby" had to remind me to pick up the "main ingredient" (aka the invitation rolled up) off the wet floor.. oops! And there it was... an invitation to "Little J's" 1st birthday party!!!!!

So, I just want to give kudos once again to Ruby Flats for her creativity!!

Here are some pics from her blog:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Suburban Housewife

So are you sick of me posting this yet.. I think this is the 5th time in the past few weeks, but I LOVE IT! I can't get enough... my fav part, because it reminds me of me is...

"My friends area like 'Hey Suzie' and I'm like "WHAT MOTHER F*"... CLASSIC!!!!

Morning Fav

Entertainment: A Good Girls' Night Out

Now, I'm not talk Girls Gone Wild stuff, I'm talking about friends sitting around a table, drinking wine, eating yummy food, talking about everything under the moon (it was night), and really enjoying each other's company!

Luckily that's how I was able to spend my Tuesday evening.... Out to dinner with a group of girls from the 'hood. Now, not "everyone" could make it, but I really enjoyed myself! There was great conversation with the whole group as well as side conversations! And even if the conversation had NOTHING to do with you or something you could relate to, you were MORE than eager to attentively listen!

Growing up going to an all girl school my whole life the word "clique" was used a lot. Whether it was intentional or not you spent so much time judging and being exclusive to others that weren't "like you". Now, it's not like all of my friends growing up were exactly alike and had the exact same interests (we played different sports, liked different classes, even sometime hung out with a different social crowd), but we came together for a common purpose. Which is still so common today- book clubs, playgroups, mommy groups, sports leagues, Junior League :), etc.

However.... I can say that I am a lot more open to striking up a conversation with someone that may not look like "my cup of tea" if that make sense. And I'm not going to lie- I'm human and unfortunately at first sight I may internally judge (what is she/he wearing, I like those earrings, those are NOT so great shoes, look at her outfit- so cute.. that would never look good on me, etc. etc.), but after that initial thought I'm able to say to myself 'that's not fair, you don't know them.. no judging until you even try' and I find I can actually push those initial thoughts to the back of my head!

I'm not saying I'm freakin' Mother Theresa... but at least it's a start... don't judge a book by it's cover (ummm hello PRIME TIME EXAMPLE FOR ME.. TWILIGHT)


GOOOOO PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so proud of our Phillies! I wasn't sure how they were going to fare this season, but they have a solid team filled with great ball players!!! I asked 'hubby' last night what our stats were when we were down in the beginning (I was VERY disappointed that he didn't know that fact off hand, haha), but looks like it didn't matter! We PULLED through... clearly I did a lot!

I sorta feel bad for cutie Cole Hamels who isn't doing as well as he did last year or as well as people expected him to do post-season.... Such hard critics! Keep our fingers crossed that they continue to play as a unit and support him and he to them!

Not sure what tonight's ALCS game holds for us, but if it is a Yankees win, bring it on! The Yankees are a GREAT time and nothing like true, hardcore competition!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Breast Cancer

Before I forget......

I don't usually "watch" t.v. during the day, but I do turn it on when am in the kitchen cooking up a meal or snack.. which puts me in line with Good Day Philadelphia and then sometimes Regis and Kelly, The View, Ellen, and Oprah (depends on how hungry I am that day haha). This morning while making an early lunch I was able to catch a small segment of The View that talked about Breast Cancer.. here is a segment from the website:

"In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Dr. Kristi Funk was here to give helpful tips to women so each day they are doing their very best to prevent the risk of Breast Cancer. Dr. Funk told viewers that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in their lifetime and the key to surviving is early detection. Dr. Funk has teamed up with Yoplait for a program called "Save Lids to Save Lives" and in honor everyone in our audience went home with a pink 100% cashmere pashmina from Yoplait!"

Some of the facts she was shooting out were pretty interesting:
Green Tea can help reduce the odds
Aspirin 2x/week for 5+ years can help reduce the odds as well
Avoiding a lot of foods with hormones in them (tofu, meat, milk, etc.)

Trick or Treat.. Give Me TWILIGHT!!!

YAY- "my" (ok it was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. George) first Halloween card of the season!!! Care of my mommy all the way from Spain!!! She must sure love me.. can't show you the inside cause there is all this kinky reference to being bitten by a vampire.. haha JK.. but isn't this AWESOME?!?!!? I know "hubby" will REALLY love and appreciate it!

And if you want to dissect the card I think that Edward would be the tasty treat the card is referring too! OMG- seriously I have to stop.. I am still obsessed can't help it! New Moon comes out in one month from TODAY! Let the promo begin!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting "Clothing" Term

Have you ever heard of a "Sweater Penis"???

Well I heard the term used today when I was at our infamous tailor, Sew Rob (best of the main line since 2006...., getting my bridesmaid's dress all fitted to my boddess (YAY 11/21/09 SHOUT OUT)! It was hilarious! He was tailoring this woman's pants in front of me when she asked what "this" was (it was the part of her pants where the waste line comes together and either zippers, buttons, fastens, etc. and it sticks out) and ever so casually he goes.. "oh yeah isn't that so annoying- it's called a sweater penis"! So... just remember at your next get together, happy hour, or hey business lunch.... just make sure you let someone know if their "sweater penis" is sticking out... I guess it's like the new "food on the face" rule, haha JK do NOT do that.. but wouldn't that be hilarious!!!!

Ummm Suzy Q- you MAY want to go to the bathroom and fix your sweater penis.. it's sticking out... that's why I opt for dresses or sweat pants cause you don't ever have that issue!!!!

Translator Needed

So sometimes I right myself little email reminders of things I want to blog about if I'm out and about and can't get to my computer right away... for instance last Friday I sent myself one, checked it and new exactly what it meant and today when I went back through my emails haven't the slightest clue to what I was trying to say: Son eclap cowg

I don't even know if this is English! And is it 1 thing or 3? I don't remember seeing a cow last Friday or talking about having a son (yes when I have a kid I would prefer a boy first... but a healthy child will be just fine!).... hmm if anyone can figure it out that would be great! HA!

Spray Etiquette

Bathroom Spray is a tricky tricky thing. It's suppose to help cover up and deodorize any stinkies that occur in the bathroom, but how much is too much? Cause Ladies and Gentlemen... we all know it doesn't always smell like "Roses", BUT there is such thing as WAY TOO MUCH! And not just the amount, but the scent of the spray is crucial too!

It all goes back to freshman year in college when apparently my rommie and I were too "poor" or LAZY to buy spray and we would use perfume and this scented hairspray- I know.. gross! Now as Bette Homemaker I have discovered sprays by Yankee Candle, Bath and Body works, and even Febreeze! But I even get sick of them! And then I realized I think what annoys me is when TOO much is sprayed... I mean cause clearly I spray the perfect amount every time... BUT when too much is sprayed it lingers and is very overpowering, causing me to feel claustrophobic! So last night "hubby" and I had a very grown up, reasonable conversation on how much spray is actually needed in our house after you use the potty!

Hopefully lesson learned.. haha.. coo coo!!!

Morning Fav

Entertainment/Sports: Philadelphia Phillies!!!!

So, I will NOT pretend that I'm a hardcore Phillies fan, BUT I will say that I appreciate a good game! And that's exactly what our hometown team has given us in the pre-season so far! And playing sports my whole life I know how important the regular season is there, because if they didn't do well they wouldn't even BE in the post-season. But, I will say that the Phillies have been playing all the way through to the end, most of the time with composure and poise!

I do wish the games started before 8pm.. the earlier games get a lot more of my attention (AKA 8pm impedes on my 9pm (more or less haha) bedtime!

Anyway... if you watched the game until the VERY END (or caught a teeny bit of the AM news) you would know the Phillies won last night in the bottom of the 9th with a base hit by JROLL to center field which then brought in 2 RBI's for them to win! WAHOO!!!

I myself was NOT up, but I was watching the FOX NEWS this morning when they were talking about how a few websites and newspapers cut the Phillies short, packed up their laptops early and posted that the Dodgers had won and tied the series 2-2... uh oh someones going to get in TROUBLE... ohhhhhhhhh!!!!! SNAP!

My favorite part- watching them celebrate... if you watch the clips or see the newspaper articles watching grown men tackle each other, hands flailing, running around like chicken with their heads cut off, cheering, etc. etc. it really just paints the true picture of emotion! One of the best feelings ever!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bad Day?

I'm sure you're all familiar with Daniel Powder's "Bad Day" and that's what I've got on right now.. because you know it really does make me feel better... just like his main verse:

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride

I know it's an odd coping mechanism, but I guess if I listen to a "sad song" it's my way of giving myself "permission" to really feel what I am feeling... feel it, express it, get it out... loud and proud.. and then get over it! With that being said I already am!!!!!!!!! But since the turn of events seemed so "despairing" at the time and once I put it into perspective, actually told someone out loud and embarrassed with myself, ha, I will now share them with you..........

You know it's NOT your day when you........
  • Are outside at 5AM in the middle of October walking your beloved dog and it's 38F and raining... gross!
  • Forget your first morning appointment
  • Drop your new wallet in the rain
  • Drop you keys in a puddle
  • Find out tenant has ruined your 'new' hardwood floors
  • Have to tell your 90 year-old tenant that even though she's moving she still owes you a LOT of money
  • Have your dog drool ALL over your Burberry coat and new skinny jeans in the car (yes I'm a snob, so be it!)
  • Start crying cause your dog is massively drooling all over you and you can feel it dripping down your leg
  • Try to go a new way home because there is traffic on your usual route.... and like ALWAYS... do NOT go the right way and get lost
  • Start crying even harder because you feel ridiculous that you're crying, with a dog on your lap, while driving in the ghetto, in the rain, because you feel selfish that you're upset about these things when in reality you have it so lucky and now you feel pathetic
  • Have a puppy on your lap, that unannounced to you, is throwing up all over you, your new car, "Burberry jacket, and new skinny jeans"
  • Pull over in the ghetto, have NO idea where you are, and have to figure out how to rid of your puppy's morning breakfast and make sure he is okay too
  • Want to strangle your puppy
  • Start crying like a baby because you feel bad that you had that mean thought about the poor sick puppy on your lap
  • Start crying even harder because the fact that you had that thought now means you are going to be the worst mother "ever" . What "motherly figure" thinks that about her "child"?

iPod Shuffle

I can't remember what the quote is... but it goes something like this... "I LOVE all the songs on my iPod, except for when I'm working out or really need a good "mix", that's when I find myself skipping every song!"

Have you guys ever heard that quote? Well I have and it is SO me! Especially this morning.... I'm in the middle of my early AM workout and on the elliptical and what comes on but "Cowgirls Don't Cry"... I make it through until the end until the last verse:
Phone rang early one morning
Her momma's voice, she'd been crying
Said it's your daddy, you need to come home
This is it, I think he's dying
She laid the phone down by his head
The last words that he said
Like.. GEEZ BROOKS AND DUNN.. come on!!! I literally started tearing up! Thank goodness I changed just in time... enjoying a little "Juicy" by Biggy Smalls himself and Mariah's "Touch My Body".. heck yeah I'll work out harder!! And then BAM... Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven".. WHAT?!?! Talk about a workout foul if there is such thing.... And then next thing I notice I am in TOTAL shock that I have been listening to it for at least a minute.. I couldn't believe my iPod didn't know to skip over this.. BS! So as you could imagine I did another skiparoo, moved on to my weights and mid bench press.. The Verve's "The Freshmen".. yes a good 'old school throwback', but SO not appropriate..

As you can imagine after that I opted to NOT listen to my iPod for the rest of the workout!

Afternoon Fav

Food: A warm cup of coffee when REALLY needed!
So I'll get to the "why I really needed" my "grande skinny vanilla latte" in a minute.. BUT boy does it taste good going down! Especially on a day like today, when a little pick me up, protein, and calcium is needed! Now, I KNOW it is NOT a healthy lunch substitute, but I'm not so hungry and NOTHING feels appetizing, so snacking on a GSVL and some Puffins sure tastes good right now... and hopefully in a few I'll be back on track!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blast from the Past

So with the gloomy weather outside and my "friend" coming for her monthly visit I found myself roaming around the kitchen this afternoon aimlessly. What to eat? What to eat? More like what to eat that I haven't already eaten yet today. And I didn't feel like a home-made coffee, but needed a pick me up.... so I went into the pantry and remember I had randomly picked up some ginger snap cookies (and apple cider) while at the market. I'm not sure why I grabbed them, but I am very glad I did!

I popped some tea in the micro (like Momma Jane used to make in my pink Mickey Mouse mug) and spread some PB on those snaps and wa-la I was back in my mom's tan, wide-ass, town car waiting for CCD to start!

Oh the memories!!!! Keep 'em comin'!

Morning Fav

Restaurant: La Collina

Last night I took Mr. George out for his birthday dinner to one of our favorite restaurants, La Collina. My parents have been going there for years and every once in a while I've been lucky enough to get an invitation to join them. When I was younger it was "the place where Ms. Justine sang jazz in the bar". As I got older it became "the place where the nice older man came to talk to you, the people knew my parents name (and they new theirs), and I could get a small pasta sample for an appetizer... cool can I come?". And now hopefully it will become a place of tradition.

It's a small to medium size restaurant on the top of a hill right near Manayunk (you can see it from 76). The cuisine of choice is Italian, which I am not usually a huge fan (as pasta, cream, and veal don't really sit too well in my stomach), BUT the way they run the restaurant you can pretty much have what you want within reason and there's no judgment. Like our meal last night. We had the lobster ravioli as an app, ordered the wedge salad (that wasn't even on the menu), and then Kyle got the veal special and I got the Langostinos app as my meal. Everything we shared they doubled and don't overcharge.We didn't even have to look at the wine menu, told them want we wanted, within reason, and they brought the perfect match! We ended the night with strawberries and whip, Kyle had a yummy glass of port, and a wonderful conversation with the owner!

They're very attentive (NOT in an overbearing way) and make sure you're happy and do a damn good job of making you feel special.. and after all that's what matters most, right? The owner and maître d', the waiters, and even the bus man know who we are.. always "Mike Miles' daughter", which is A-O-K with me! But that's why we like it. The food is definitely great, but it's more of the extraordinary service.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A little dissapointed in a BIG name store

Are you a fan of the "warehouse" wonders like Costco, BJ's, or Sam's Club?!? I definitely am even though we're only a "party of 2" right now. I know it is VERY easy to purchase things you don't need, but in all reality is I try and do a lot of cooking and baking and having these essentials...Link and clean up essentials is key! Especially since the 'hubby' doesn't exactly spare any body wash (yes I'm lucky my man's clean, ha ha).

Long story short... I originally was a Costco member, who also became a BJ's member in September '08 for candy variety for the wedding gift bags. Then my Costco membership canceled and I still had my BJ's (haha tell me you don't laugh like an 8th grader when you read that.. yes I AM mature). Well, now my BJ's (haha again) expired.... ok STILL laughing on that one.. it reminds me of this video: ( I have decided to go back to Costco... not sure why, just figured I try it out again.. WELL.. I was VERY DISSAPOINTED! I kept trying to tell myself, it's not that big of a deal, there are bigger things to worry about, which there definitely are, and it's easily fixable.. just go buy another membership and/or call Coscto and try and get out of our new membership (Option 1).

I couldn't really find anything I wanted in Costco and I didn't know if it was because I was used to BJ's selection (not laughing anymore, sort of gross) or what. And then it dawned on me... BJ's has healthier options! I couldn't find one thing I would usually get in Costco on the light version (i.e. Polly-O string cheese, Peanut Butter, Salad Dressing, etc.). Not that something that sits on the shelf and isn't really that perishible can be considered "healthy", but you catch my drift!

I will just think of this littler "debacle" as a challenge for me to stand up for myself, give myself more confidence to speak the truth and improve Costco's Customer Service! Turning something into a positive... well we'll see, I'll keep ya posted!

Icing Disaster!

EEK- so a little update, went to check on the cake and it looks DISASTROUS! All the topping has come/melted off!

So, I took it all off, hiked the freezer "temperature" to the COLDEST and am in hopes the cake and ice cream will soon be one, in the best way possible... Then am thinking I will use my "back up icing plan" (Pillsbury pre-made) in an hour or so and let it freeze again...

Oh the Drama's of a Domestic (less) wife! HA!

Can the Cake Cut It?

(ps... my cake does NOT look like this!!!!!!!!!)

So, I wanted to do something for "hubby's" birthday in terms of a "dessert". Brownies, muffins, cupcakes, and chocolate chip cookies are pretty much standard in our house, SO those choices were out, because I really wanted to do something special! I was going to bake a cake, but then realized he doesn't really like cake, besides our wedding cake I have been shoving down his throat on the 20th of each month for the past year! HAHA! dawned on me.. HE DOES LIKE 1 cake in particular.. ice cream cake! And... I'm going to attempt to make this? BAD IDEA! Well they say it is the thought that counts, right? So, I got a great recipe from Ruby Flats yesterday, which I was really pumped to make, BUT by the time I was at the grocery store at 6pm I was exhausted and couldn't fathom starting this dessert knowing I was going to f* it up! So, I went on and got another "style".

I think everything turned out pretty good except my homemade 'whipped cream topping'. I did EXACTLY what they said, but it came out a little runny... so, I froze it a little longer and this morning when I went to put it on the cake it wasn't 1/2 bad... until it started melting. I definitely probably consumed 1/2 a pint of "whipping cream" (makes me gag just saying that word.. it just sounds gross) before I headed out for the gym at 5:30am! BUT I did get it all on there.. the cake pieced together, then wrapped on a platter..

P.S.- which brings me to another tangent- was I suppose to use Cling Wrap or Aluminum Foil (i.e. which one will NOT take the icing off with it)... I opted for Foil with PAM sprayed on it?!!?)... I PANICKED.. OK!

Final step- to put the "cake mold" into the fridge to really UMPH it together... oh yeah... NOTE TO SELF... SIZE UP YOUR PLATTER PLATE TO YOUR FREEZER! Really underestimated that freezer size... which brings me back to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us be able to upgrade our appliances soon! So, then I had to transfer the cake mold to a small plate with the running 'whipped topping' and layer of ice cream without cracking the cake... phew! It worked! So, now my layered cake is laying tilted in the freezer, because it still isn't wide enough... Fingers crossed when it comes lunch time to take it over to his work it isn't disastrous!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning Fav

Celebrity: MY HUSBAND!

Haha, ok maybe he is just a celebrity in my eyes, but 'hubby' takes the #1 'Morning Fav' spot this AM to celebrate his BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Bumpkin!!!

Poor birthday boy was up before 5AM and headed into work for the early shift! LUCKILY I had everything all lined up the night before to make sure he got his AM coffee and "Happy Birthday Chocolate Chip Pancakes" before running out the door! I got a glimpse of my future as I was walking in to the Y telling all of the staff members they better remember to wish him a 'happy birthday'.... I'm going to be THAT MOM!!! EEK! Back to me moment, sorry... anyway this is about Kyle.. haha

I don't even think I can begin to describe my husband without going on for pages and pages and pages and you not wanting to click off the blog and/or vomit! So, I'll make it quick.... First off, Kyle is one of the most hard working people I know. And lucky for him he's pretty naturally talented in the sense that if he doesn't have experience in something (whether it be a sport or industry) he can focus hard enough to pick it up, what appears to be, quite easily! Kyle is extremely caring and giving. Although Kyle is pretty straightforward and will tell you like it is, when asked, he can be quite mysterious to those that don't know him.... like you're always trying to "figure him out". But in reality he really does lay all his cards out on the table. He comes off a little more quiet and introverted, but if he's comfortable around you he can loosen up pretty quickly! AND he's actually pretty good at getting under your skin on purpose... as my mother would say, "a skootch", but you know exactly when he's doing it so even though he gets your all riled up, you can't help but smile!

All in all...I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky our path's crossed and he decided to keep me in his life.. or it went a little something like this:

He's my best friend; my mentor; my hero; my husband!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Classes on Common Courtesy Traveling

On a completely OPPOSING note to my "morning fav' some people are COO COO!!! While traveling this morning we encountered this ridiculous woman and the check-in and baggage.

You know, I'm NOT so familiar with the whole new "electronic kiosk" process, because when I travel for work it is always international and you have to talk to someone (phew) and usually when I fly Southwest we don't check luggage (I know don't pass out that I can actually fit all my stuff in a carry-on. It helps when you're visit friends that you can share clothes and hair products with... I mean that's 20lbs. right there!). Well this morning we had to check baggage because "hubby" decided to bring his clubs (which I am GLAD he did because he's already out on the course... 70 and sunny) and there was a pretty long line. There was a softball team traveling, which made things a little more hectic between the teen girls, parents dropping off, and intimidating coach yelling at them "to get it together"- umm hello you do KNOW it is 6am and these girls are in high school, right?!? Where's the compassion or just plain common sense?!?

Well, this "elder" woman took it upon herself to start bossing everyone around- including the women that worked there. "there's one open over here.. there's a screen open over there... jeez- sir, sir, there's all these screens open over there". SO.. finally you just couldn't ignore her anymore AND it was our turn at the front of the line. So, she finds it her duty to start telling me what to do and that this screen is open... when I nicely proceeded to tell her that someone was at that kiosk trying to check their luggage and she thought "umm well you can still check in". I started to get a little irritated so I decided to counter... "Ma'am where would you like me to go in that small spot, my husbands has clubs and a suitcase". Her answer- she thought she should BUDGE.. yes I said budge.. in front of us... So, I kept it together as much as possible because I always want to make my mother--in-law proud when we travel, but as I walked away I definitely think the words crazy; chill out; woman; and maybe the f* bomb flew out. Luckily it wasn't loud enough for too many people to hear, but I mean this woman was seriously just rude!!!

Morning Fav

Travel: Flying!

Greetings from Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina! Up since 4:30.. shower; dressed; traveled by car, bus, and plane; chai-tea; coffee; working, and Regis and Kelly all by 9:30AM... WHAT?

I mean it is just amazing that this is even feasible! And THAT is what I love about flying. Every so often there is that case when traveling can be draining- jet lag, stuck in airports, running to catch a flight, trying to get on a flight, etc... I mean those situations can get very stressful.... I'm talking fever blister stressful, BUT on the whole, I really enjoy it.

After I've had my coffee and am finally functioning there is something so energizing and inspiring about the whole process! Whether you are traveling for work or going on vacation it's crazy what you can accomplish!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Video Clip Variety Hour

Just wanted to share some videos I came across this week that I thought were either really cute or funny!!! Maybe I'll bring back some oldies but goodies too...

'The View'

I wish I could show you what the view is from my desk, but the pictures don't do it justice... so I had to come a little closer... but SO pretty... especially with the sun streaming down!

If you have a brain.. please use it

Do you ever think you are invincible or that the laws of gravity don't apply to you? I seriously don't, but sometimes my actions may appear that I do! When I think about whether or not I should do something, if it's probably not a good idea, the first thought that enters my mind really is "I probably shouldn't do that" and then this other little voice says "oh it's ok, it'll be fine". Now, luckily I'm not dabbling with crack cocaine here people... but still, what do they say?!? 'Go with your gut instinct'?

So, yesterday I was making some lunch and I really really enjoy a toasted sandwich! And usually I will use my panini maker, but if it's open faced, I'm forced to use the oven broiler. We have this awesome stone pizza circular "thing" that we leave in the oven and you can pretty much cook anything off of. Sometimes I will just throw my sandwich on there, but it can get messy if the cheese melts everywhere. But then that leaves me one choice- to put a plate in with the food (yesterday it was pizza). Which normally is OK for dinner, but I usually eat lunch up in my office and then I have to put the 'ove glove' on and carry it upstairs and if I'm really hungry and the plates hot..... You know the more I'm telling this story I'm thinking it's probably NOT a good decision to think when you are hungry!... anyway... so I have these small plastic plates and the slice fit so perfectly on it, I just thought.. I'm only going to put it in the oven for 2 seconds, it won't melt, it will be fine... well low and behold.. not 30 seconds later.... I smell something.. EEK.. I already forgot I put a plastic plate in the oven... so I open it up and it's this PERFECT white, flat circle.... It pretty cool! Not the smartest idea i've had, but luckily I had that stone 'thing' and it laid flat and I just scraped it up into the trash vs. a melty mess all over the oven bars.

So, NOTE TO SELF... plastic can NOT go in the oven

Morning Fav

Entertainment/Life: Inspirational Moments

So, I don't think it was any secret that yesterday my endorphin level was probably a little low! I think by the days end I was doing a good job of staying positive and keeping things into perspective. BUT I did get a little pick-me-up towards the 4 'oclock hour when Ruby Flats sent me this AMAZING link to this blog posting. Now, I've never read any other of "la la Lovely's" blogs, but I definitely plan on it. I loved this blog so much I printed it out and am definitely putting it up on my wall, maybe even contemplating framing. I love how it is so natural, so down to earth, so human! I hope this inspires you like it did me:

* Here's the blog in case you don't get the link, but try out the link if you can.. it's cool!

Do you ever just think sometimes, about how amazing life is. I mean most days we drag our feet around feeling the effects of what we deem to be a rat race, but is it really? In the midst of the routine there are things happening all around....Some things that have nothing to do with us, some things that are right in front of our eyes and yet some things are happening that we have no absolutely no clue about, yet soon enough we will. Behind it all, your life is coming together, even if you are not aware of it.

Sometimes I forget this. I get lost in my smallness and in the bigness of the world and the others in it. And then there are these magical moments when I just know that behind everything there is a purpose. And I have a purpose. A reason that to live and a part to play in this beautiful life story. And you do too . . .Even if your not quite sure what your part is, or who the characters are in your story. And, even if everything seems to be falling apart, you still have this spectacular life to live out. Life happens (and so does other the stuff, as the saying goes). Life happens whether it is intentional or unintentional. Your story is being written whether you are writing it, leaving it blank or letting others write it for you. I want to write my story well. And although, I don't know what the next chapter will be, I can write this page, which is my today. And this page leads right into the next page. Will it be blank, left for others to dictate or will I fill it with my own creative ideas, thoughts and adventures? I'm ready to make every page worth turning to the next. Look for the extraordinary. Look for beauty. Look for love. Look for life. Look for purpose. It's all right in there in your everyday. In the small things you pass by and in the magical things that make a rare appearance. Hold on to them and let them fill the pages of your very own story. Your story is waiting to be told.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Blog Sighting

So, I "secretly" really like this blog. My friend passed it on to me awhile ago before I even thought of blogging and I really liked reading it every once in awhile... then she reintroduced it to me when I started blogging again. This woman is honest and it's hilarious, in a good way! Not only is she very attractive, but "she's not like a regular mom, she's a cool mom" (Mean Girls reference). I love how she'll have cute stories and pics about her kids and then cover topics that other "mom's" can related to or just fun hollywood gossip! And I obviously like the fact that she is into Gossip Girl and The Kardashians... oh guilty pleasures!!!

Pity Party for 1?!?

OK, so I know you all know how I feel about the "Poor Me Train", but I think I'm at whits end about to jump on!!!!

I mean I know I can be OOC (out of control... which by the way me and my friends came up with that WAY before 'lol' and computer/aim jargon was even born!) but I know I cannot be THAT annoying- Do NOT answer that, haha, OK maybe I can! BUT lately I get the feeling that 'some people' can't stand me, like anything I do is really annoying and then it just keeps adding up and finally I think to myself.. let's put things into perspective... I know I'm not perfect, I'm not a saint, I'm not the smartest, but am I really that "bad of a person", "annoying", "mean", etc. etc.?!?!?

And I always come back to NO... the way that I feel (all these negative things times 10 zillion) cannot be in proportion to how I actually am. I'm sure I can be all of these things at times, but all-in-all I think I'm a pretty "good" (for lack of a better word) person. SO, why do I feel this way sometimes?!? And it's not ALL the time... like if you saw me I don't look DP or sad anything. Cause overall I'm not, I'm happy and motivated, but this is how my mind works.. these thoughts just swirl and swirl and swirl around on the inside of my brain....

What's that saying.... "don't give others control or permission" to make you feel worthy or have control over you? Is that even in a saying or did someone just give me that awesome advice one time?!? And it REALLY is true!!! A LOT easier said than done when you are having these feelings as a reaction from someone you truly care what they think or say... or don't say!!!

And then the way my mind works is I go into "survivor" mode where I will get to the bottom of this "debacle" if it's the last thing I do.... and then I feel like it only feeds the fire and makes things worse. See a little side-note about me if you didn't get it before.. I only have 2 gears.. 1st gear and 6th gear.. there's nothing in between.... so you can just picture the shenanigans!

The only advice I have for myself is positive self talk, self-affirmations, and really truly trying to keep things into perspective and reality for me! So when I do feel these feelings.. I have to assess the situation and either truly take responsibility (if I have 'done' something) or realize that I do NOT have control over others, their thoughts, actions, or reactions and accept that I cannot "control or fix" a situation and go on with my life the best I know how and in the end it will all work itself out for the better.. WHY PEOPLE?!? Because...... "everything happens for a reason"


Oh well... no lo se..... maybe I just needed to vent and actually sort of feel better and can re-focus my day! Thanks for listening!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Closing in on Bette Homemaker

Morning Fav

Entertainment: Pandora Radio
Pandora Radio is technically "an automated music recommendation and Internet Radio service". I originally came across Pandora through the iTunes application. This summer, when we were grill-aholics, we'd hook our phones up to our "Home Depot" radio and just chill outside and listend to music!

Now I listen to it, usually in the afternoon, when I need some motivation, but a little distraction. I just pull up a new internet page and it remembers the last "station" I had on our my favorites!

Right now I have Josh Radin and they play all of his songs plus some artists like him that they think I'd want to hear! You can even fast forward through a song you don't want to hear (don't get too carried away, they only let you FF 4 times in a "listening period".

Talk About Talented

I've been meaning to post this all week, but look at the GORGEOUS arrangements Ruby Flats made for my Trunk Show last week. Isn't it awesome! She bought most of the flowers from Produce Junction and gathered some from her back yard and just had the vase and blue ribbon to match "laying around". She is seriously SO crafty and talented! I LOVE IT!

Morning Fav

Home Decor/Style: Home Grown

Home Grown is a home accessories "boutique" located in Haverford, PA (right off of Lancaster across from AAA). This store could break your bank if you are not careful, BUT the items they have in this store are to-die-for! It has helped me take my entertaining up a notch and I'm slowly collecting to make my table-top a bit more stylish!

One of my favorite things in there are the sales "specialists". I mean I don't care which one of the 3 ladies you speak with, they know their sh*t! And as much as they want you to buy their items I feel they are really there to help you create what you're looking for. I went in their last week for a gift and could have come out of their in-debt (for myself obviously) but the nice associate told me to go home, think about what we discussed, see if it would work, and come back! I really appreciated that instead of shoving the 20 chargers down my throat, ha, which I could have done myself!

Note-to-self: they do NOT do returns, only store credit!!!!

The website doesn't say too much, but it's cute and tells you a little bit more about the store:

Layer Up Butter Cup

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... It's cold in here.. there must be some TOROS in the atmosphere!

OK so it was a Bring It On reference, BUT there's no other way to describe our house, but a wee bit frigid! I mean I could definitely turn on the heat... at least we are very lucky to have the option of heat, but the weather has been swaying back in forth between 80 and humid and 50 and frigid! What are we suppose to do.. AC one day and Heat the next. NO WAY am I giving PECO another reason to hike up my bill! So, what to do?!? It's suppose to be 75 this weekend and sometimes it can be really nice now with the windows open at night.

So, in the midst of blogging hubby came home and did NOT appreciate my cold hands all over him so he made the exec decision to turn on the heat! I always forget modern day heating we can create a schedule!!

Morning Fav

Entertainment: Philly Fox29 News

I know the newscasters are different in each city, but I think the common theme with Fox News is consistent... they are just a "real", down to earth, chill news station that let's us know what is going on locally, nationally, and internationally!

My favorite is "Good Day" M-F mornings. These newscasters are seriously hilarious and constantly crack me up! One day two weeks ago they were talking about how Eagles player Hank Baskett was released from Philly and ALL of them were so upset, because that meant there would be less Kendra sightings and they kept showing this one old clip of Kendra doing a workout/cheerleader routine and it was hilarious! They joke around with each other constantly and it actually keeps me intrigued! I turn them on first thing in the morning, while I'm making hubby's lunch and morning coffee, I'll stream them live on my computer sometimes so I can listen live, and sometimes even at noon while I'm making my lunch!

Live stream:

Although, I will say... do you ever wonder when you a newscaster just disappears?!?!? And you think, where did they go and why? And did they make the "announcement" in the 5 second slot that I didn't watch... so mysterious!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In Need of a Friend

I seriously think Puppa needs a friend! BUT there is absolutely no way I could do the puppy-thing over again nor have 2 dogs in our house, yikes!

He is seriously the cutest thing and I just want to eat him; yes I'm biased! He is so good.... sitting with me all day in my office entertaining himself with toys, naps, and getting into mischief...
I play a little....
Then get pooped and it's time for a cat nap
I'm up now and need Mommy's attention... Mommy pick me up!

Then Mommy says I have to have "puppy time" and play alone... OK...And now I'm really tired again so I think I'll lie down....

He is getting a little bit older where he can hold his bathroom breaks and we know his schedule. But when we go for walks he just wants to play, play, play with the other pups and sometimes their owners do not feel the same way, ha! I could just seem him being so cute with another pup playing together all day long while I work... oh so cute!!!! But so unrealistic! Not that we travel that much, but 2 pups step it up a notch and not just teeny notch a BIG notch!

Another thing...he absolutely NEEDS to be outside, he is obsessed! So, now we're toying with the idea of an electric fence or putting a cute picket white fence in the backyard... I don't know why I'm so opossed to it, but I'm just not feeling putting a fence up in our backyard even though it looks cute. I know the hubby wants to make my life easier, but I secretly think he wants another house project... oh those boys, it's always something!!!! And I'm sure he gets tired as I gripe about puppa will just want to sit on my lap and every so often jump on my legs to be loved. I finally made a little seat on the chair next to me at my desk.. I know I'm psychotic, but he loves it! See for yourself...